• Nirvana's "Bleach"

    4 Classic Albums That Flopped When They First Came Out

    Some works by famous musicians either went unnoticed during their time or were generally unsuccessful in terms of sales. Unlike most flops, however, these albums found recognition later. Some were simply ahead of their time while others were rediscovered thanks to their artists' latter success and fame.
  • 10 Artists Whose Debut Singles Were Covers: Nirvana, Rush, And More

    Signing a brand new and therefore untested artist can be a risky move for most labels, so in order to get around this, some labels push their new artists to record cover songs for their debut singles as a sort of test run. Here are 10 artists who recorded cover songs for their debut singles.
  • 7 Casting Suggestions For The Ramones Movie

    Earlier this week, it was announced that Martin Scorsese would be directing a biopic about punk legends the Ramones, which is set for release in 2016. Here are some people who I think should play the movie's lead roles.
  • R.I.P. Tommy Ramone

    Ramones drummer Tommy Ramone passed away yesterday, July 11th, at age 62 in New York City. He was the last surviving original member of the Ramones.
  • 5 Alt-Rock Albums With Multiple Cover Songs: Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave, and more

    When an artist performs a cover song, especially alternative or punk artists, it's usually reserved for live shows or as a bonus track for an album, but on rare occasions these cover songs make their way into the album's proper tracklisting. However, even more rare is when an artist includes multiple cover songs on a single album. Here are five alternative rock albums with more than one cover song (excluding cover albums, of course).
  • 6 Albums Intended To Be The Artist's Last: R.E.M., Jay-Z, and more

    It's not very often that an artist or band can plan its final album. Most of the time, the band unexpectedly splits, or someone unexpectedly passes away, turning its most recent album into its last, even if it wasn't meant to be. However, these six albums were actually recorded with the intention of being the artist's last. Whether or not the artist actually kept this promise, though, is another story.