GWAR Adds Frontwoman To Band Lineup

Meet Vulvatron, the purple-clad female vocalist whose breasts shoot blood into frenzied audiences attending the forever-messy concerts of horror metal band GWAR.

Fans got their first taste of the singer (aka Kim Dylla) at Chicago's Riot Fest last week, and it marks the first time GWAR has had a woman in a central role within the band, Wondering Sound points out. Vulvatron will co-front the group along with Blothar (Mike Bishop aka Beefcake the Mighty) to fill in for longtime leader Oderus Urungus, whose human counterpart Dave Brockie died in March from an accidental heroin overdose.

The last female character to be in GWAR was backup singer/dancer Slymenstra Hymen (Danielle Stampe) in 2000, and Amazina and Temptress also played minor parts in the band prior to that. Vulvatron's addition is a big move for GWAR, but something big had to be done after the band lost its only original member in Brockie.

"It's no secret that metal's demographics still skew heavily towards straight white cis men, but this decade has marked a definite shift; audiences are diversifying," Wondering Sound's Kim Kelly writes. "But there is still a lot of work to be done. Representation matters, and now, all of a sudden, there's a big, brash, bold new female personality on stage with a legendary band. Moreover, she's just as gross and goofy as her male bandmates, whether she's slaying dinosaurs or disemboweling Nazi skinheads onstage or drenching her minions with the aforementioned boob-blood."

The band will hit the road on its "GWAR Eternal Tour" in October and wrap things up in December. Over the summer, the band also announced that a GWARbar resturant is in the works, something Brockie was very passionate about doing.

GWAR, Dave Brockie
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