New David Bowie Album Is On The Way ... Maybe

A producer who has worked with David Bowie throughout the years was recently quoted as saying a new album from the artist will be out soon.

During an interview with CNN, Tony Visconti reportedly said fresh Bowie tracks are on the way. "There's gonna be another album, definitely ... soon," Visconti is quoted as saying. Visconti, who worked with the singer on multiple albums including 1969's Space Oddity, 1970's The Man Who Sold The World, 1975's Young Americans and 1977's "Heroes", also noted that a return to touring was up in the air. "As far as a concert is concerned, I have no idea."

The producer took to Twitter to clarify his remarks.

Bowie returned to recording in 2013 after a lengthy 10-year hiatus with The Next Day. The album received mixed reviews. The Next Day has a strong connection to the late-1970s period when Bowie and producer Tony Visconti made their Berlin trilogy of Low, Heroes and Lodger," Rolling Stone's Rob Sheffield wrote. "It also has the low-register guitar attack of Scary Monsters. The songs are in the reflective mode of his excellent (if crazily underrated) midlife LPs: Earthling and Hours in the late 1990s, Heathen and Reality in the early 2000s. The sharp-edged guitars suit the tunes — wry, soulful, adult, resistant to maudlin hysterics or overwrought sentiment."

In contrast, Spin gave the album a 5 out of 10. "In other words, it's difficult to imagine a context in which new Bowie product would work," Alfred Soto wrote. "[2003's] Reality capped a decade of false starts and dead ends that often produced thrilling music; it was a bourbon before bed. The Next Day asks fans to pretend those years of courageous dormancy didn't exist."

David Bowie, Tony Visconti
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