Former MMA Fighter War Machine Selling Merch To Pay Legal Bills, Thinks Christy Mack Got Off Easy With Severe Beating

Former MMA fighter, Jonathan "War Machine" Koppenhaver has been locked up on 32 different felony charges for a month now in connecting with the brutal beating of Christy Mack. The details of their relationship are a bit sketchy with Mack insisting they split last May while War Machine says that they were still together when he barged in to find her with Corey Thomas. He took a beating before being locked out of the house so that War Machine could pummel Mack, leaving her with multiple broken bones and internal injuries.

According to a recently written jailhouse letter that TMZ got their hands on, War Machine believes that his ex-girlfriend actually got off easy because he could have killed her in the state of Texas and declared it a "crime of passion." War Machine seems to be under the notion that if he committed one of those then he'd be a free man right now. Ironically it doesn't matter what state you claim to commit of crime of passion in, wrong is still wrong according to the law.

Defending himself against a string of felonies isn't cheap so War Machine is planning on selling #FREEWAR gear to help offset the financial burden that has come along with beating Mack to within an inch of her life. My guess is that her recovery is still probably more difficult than anything War Machine is going through. Mack has already been through a string of surgeries and is hopeful that within 6 months she'll be able to move her mouth properly.

Do you think that War Machine will get away with his crimes? Leniency or mercy don't seem very likely when you take into account the fact that he's clearly not repentant in the least.

Abuse, Violence, Felony, Arrested, Jail, Trial, Cheating, Manhunt
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