Reddit Uncovers Secret Childish Gambino Song from New EP 'Kauai' and 'Because the Internet' Script [LISTEN]

If you had to think of one rapper to release a secret track that had to be uncovered by crafty fans on Reddit, it would probably be Childish Gambino. After the "3005" rapper dropped his new mixtape STN MTN and EP Kauai last week, he teased a secret track and remix, and now the merged track can be heard online.

Upon the release of Kauai, Gambino announced that there was a secret song out there, and it turned out the instrumental closing track "V. 3005 - Beach Picnic Version" was an unfinished recording. Reddit user /u/peepsie112 found the lyrical accompaniment to the song by using the script version of Because the Internet and combined the two tracks together, creating a new track.

"People keep asking how I found it, so I'll try and explain," the Redditor wrote when explaining his methods. "new audioObject('30059','12zzQ809',234) is a line of code used to play 3005 on the because the internet script, '12zzQ809' is the song id or file name, so instead of using '12zzQ809', I just replaced it with lemongrab because above the secret track section it says '[LEMONGRAB: UNNACCEPTABLE!]', nothing too special really."

Gambino later confirmed /u/peepsie112's findings on his own Twitter.

When combining the found raps with the "V. 3005 - Beack Picnic Version," a new song emerges, a smooth, fiery remix of "3005."

Listen to the new Gambino secret track below:

Secret track.mp3

The new track comes partially from Gambino's new EP Kauai, which was released on Oct. 3 in relation to the mixtape STN MTN.

Childish Gambino
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