'Basketball Wives: LA' Star Gloria Govan Reportedly Admitted To Forging Husband Matt Barnes' Signature To Secure $150K Loan

There have been rumors swirling for the last week about the status of Basketball Wives: LA's Gloria Govan's marriage to Matt Barnes. The couple was on and off for a few years before finally marrying in 2012 and they are parents to two small boys. It was reportedly confirmed a few days ago that the two have been separated for the last several weeks due to "trust issues" and fans instantly figured that Barnes was messing around again—a situation well documented on the VH1 reality show. Now it seems that those issues have nothing to do with infidelity and are directly connected to Govan reportedly forging her husband's name on a loan.

On legal documents that have been filed, Nina Rawls alleges that Govan approached her last March looking for a $150k loan to help her produce a television project through the company that she and Barnes own together. Rawls agreed to the loan under terms that required the full $150k to be paid back within two months. Govan never paid the loan back and allegedly eventually even admitted to forging Barnes' name on the paperwork.

According to TMZ Barnes may not have had even a clue about the deal that had been brokered between his wife and Rawls until a lawsuit was filed against him. Rawls now wants her money back and is also suing for damages. This situation is supposedly the catalyst that caused them to part ways as Barnes is now feeling like he can't trust Govan with financial matters at all.

If the allegations are true, are you surprised that Govan would resort to such shady measures to score a quick loan? More importantly, what do you think that she really needed the money for? Was there ever a project that her production company with Barnes was even working on? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Matt Barnes, Nba, Cheating, Lies, Split, Divorce, Reality tv, Break up
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