In light of the recent grand jury decisions in Ferguson, Missouri, and Staten Island not to indict two white police officers for the killings of two black men, protests have erupted across the United States and sporadically around the world. The issue of police brutality and mistreatment of minorities vs. whites by law enforcement is at the forefront of the nation's conscious.
While some commentators have steered the commentary toward black-on-black crime and the violence in poor urban neighborhoods, New Orleans native Jay Electronica wholeheartedly disagrees with this notion, saying among other things in a series of tweets that "We live in a criminal nation, founded by rapists, mass murderers and robbers. So don't tell me about 'black on black' crime."
Read the expletive-laden series of tweets below, via Pigeons and Planes.
shut the fuck up w all that we need peace talk. Peace ain't gonna fall outta the sky.
— سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
and shut the fuck up with that black on black crime bullshit. Who extracts metal from the earth and mass produces weapons with it? Blacks? — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
how do these guns find their way into our hands. did we raid the military bases and get them? do we manufacture them? — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
everybody knows who the true criminals are. fuck all this politically correct shit. — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
we live in a criminal nation, founded by rapists, mass murderers and robbers. so don't tell me about "black on black" crime. — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
these motherfuckers are poisoning the food air land and water and causes wars all over the earth, extincting entire species of animals... — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
and then have the nerve to point a finger talking about crime and thugs. You motherfuckers are he supreme thugd — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
why would you expect freedom justice and equality from ppl who still teach that Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity in 2014 — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
then you wanna flash a image on the news of a black man stealing a car or a tv
— سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
flash the image of the land stealers. and the lineage and birth rite stealers. they will even steal your name. check your id — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
and don’t tell me get over it, just like you’re afraid to tell those caucasians who suffered under hitler get over it. fuck that. — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
@barackobama you should be ashamed dog. not because you’re black, but cause you talked all that glorious shit when you were running for pres — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
@BarackObama I know as the president of the Usa you’re just a figurehead and can’t do much but damn man. where’s your voice and nuts? — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
im not getting over one damn molecule — سيف الله (@JayElectronica) December 8, 2014
Electronica has never shied away from controversy, and he certainly steps right into here. He speaks his mind on the history of the country, crime and race in a personal and radical view of the current state of affairs in the United States. It is good to see artists to have strong opinions and are not afraid to voice them on issues that effect their community.
Questlove called out more hip-hop artists to speak their minds and create protest songs. This may not be the protest song he asked for, but it is another artist speaking his mind in a way that will continue the discussion.
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