deadmau5 Trolls Camera Wielding Fan In Uruguay On Twitter

As Azealia Banks is to Twitter beef in hip-hop, deadmau5 is to Twitter tolling (and sometimes beefs) in dance music. Life is much more interesting with them around, not to mention the quality music they have released. The "Strobe" producer was slated to play a gig at the Conrad Hotel in Uruguay and as he was sitting down to some dinner, a fan in the same establishment decided to take a photo and post it to social media. Always aware of what his fans are tweeting about him, deadmau5 saw the picture and was a little unnerved by it, in return taking a picture of the fan eating dinner via This Song Slaps.

At least he didn't push a speaker onto her.... there is still time perhaps for that level of shenanigans though. This may be a little harsh for a guy who is used to being in the public spotlight and the oggling comes with the territory. The person he took a picture of is an model, so the publicity can only help her. Lesson learned -- don't mess with deadmau5 on social media.

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