NYPD Officer's Turn Their Backs as Mayor De Blasio Eulogizes Officer Wenjian Liu

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is going to have a real uphill battle in regaining the trust and respect of the NYPD. Tensions between officers and City Hall appear to be at an all-time high in terms of strain and while there have been calls for civility towards the mayor, it seems the NYPD is still too angry to be anything more than disrespectful. On Sunday morning, the second officer assassinated while eating lunch in his patrol car in Brooklyn a few weeks ago was finally laid to rest but not without officers turning their backs, yet again, on the Mayor.

Officer Wenjian Liu's funeral was held one week after his partner, Officer Rafael Ramos' service and he was also eulogized by de Blasio, who tried his best to ease tensions by saying:

"As we start a new year, a year we're entering with hearts that are doubly heavy from the loss of Officer Liu and his partner, Officer Rafael Ramos. Let us rededicate ourselves to those great New York traditions of mutual understanding and living in harmony. Let us move forward by strengthening the bonds that unite us, and let us work together to attain peace."

Unfortunately, the NYPD wasn't open to anything that the mayor had to say and they weren't alone. Thousands of officers from across the country turned their backs on the screen carrying the eulogy live outside of the church. They had reportedly been asked not to turn their backs at Liu's funeral as they had at Ramos' because it's extremely disrespectful and does nothing to ease tensions. That request obviously fell on deaf ears, as they remained visibly united in their disgust with the mayor.

The issues between both sides stem from de Blasio not only supporting people having the right to protest, but also admitting that he has directed his biracial son on what to do if stopped by police. The NYPD feel that the mayor isn't supporting their efforts to protect the city and then things spiraled even further once officers Liu and Ramos were gunned down. What do you think is going to have to happen to bring both sides back together again? Do you agree with police turning their backs on de Blasio? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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