'Mortdecai' Tanks in Theaters, Will Johnny Depp's Career Recover?

Usually when a film hits theaters there is a bit of a mixed review. Even the worst of films seems to find its groove and a bit of an audience but apparently Mortdecai isn't typical even in that way. The movie about a bumbling art collector that is on the hunt for a stolen painting has been panned so badly that not only could Johnny Depp not save it, but it looks like he may be dragged down with it.

A report by TheWrap simply features a collection of reviews, all trashing the film in rapid succession. Peter Sobczynski may have actually explained it the best by saying, "With other bad films, you can sort of understand what the intentions of the filmmakers might have been before things went wrong. Mortdecai, on the other hand, is one of those rare birds that is so off-putting in so many ways that all I could do for the most part was wonder how so many presumably intelligent people could be persuaded to sign on to produce and appear in something that could not have possibly seemed like anything other than a total mess from its earliest stages."

Unfortunately, this isn't an instance where Depp simply got it wrong because all of his last four films have been heavily criticized while tanking at the box office. It leads us to wonder if he's actually part of the problem. Or perhaps his choices have been pretty weak in the last few years. There's also the fact that the actor has reportedly only recently sobered up after a lengthy tumble off the wagon.

Depp reportedly had been partying hard while his girlfriend, Amber Heard had actually cleaned up her act and in doing so realized that she no longer wanted to deal with a train wreck. The actor is rumored to have done rehab at home, a move that seems to have saved his romance. The question is whether or not it'll help his career. Do you think that Depp chose some projects that weren't up to par when his head wasn't on right? Or is he the catalyst to films like Mortdecai not working? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Career, Alcohol, Rehab, Amber Heard, Johnny Depp
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