Last year, South Park aired a few episodes with a storyline revolving around Lorde. It begins with Stan's father Randy Marsh saying that he works with Lorde's uncle. He later reveals that he, a 45-year-old geologist, is in fact Lorde. In an episode titled "Gluten Free Ebola," fictional Lorde sings a song called "Push (Feel Good On A Wednesday)." After the episode aired, rumors circulated that it was Sia who actually sang fictional Lorde's vocals. And now Sia has confirmed her involvement in the song to NME.
"Yeah, it was me," she admitted. "Trey [Parker, South Park co-creator] wrote it though. I was like, 'Dude, you need to do this for a living'. That "push push" chorus is so catchy, it's crazy. When I realized it might be mean to Lorde I felt bad but I went ahead and did it anyway. I figured she'd find it funny. I love her!"
Luckily for Sia, Lorde did find it funny.
"I have officially been the subject of 2 south park episodes and that is weird and cool," she wrote on Twitter. "I don't actually watch south park but from what i can tell sia was involved and someone's mum said something really nice about me.. score!"
She even sang the song herself in an interview with 3News.
"That was really funny! I got off really easy!" she told them. "I was thinking, 'Yeah he has a moustache... I mean I have a moustache, but is it that prominent?' But it was someone's dad pretending to be me. We actually, in my hotel room, went 'Ya ya ya ya ya I'm Lorde! Ya ya ya!' for like an hour, because that's why they do on the episode, so..."
Lorde ended up being featured in a third episode that critiqued commentary culture called "#Rehash."
Both Down Under singers are at work on new albums. Earlier today, Lorde revealed she'll be hitting the studio next month for her sophomore effort while Sia announced her new album This Is Acting last week.
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