J/K! Justin Bieber isn't retiring: GM of Scooter Braun Projects explains Christmas Eve Tweets were joke

So, as it turns out, Justin Bieber will be here forever. After the "All That Matters" singer claimed he was retiring on Twitter on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), his management team has now come out saying his series of tweets and radio interview were a joke, and that his real Belieber fans have known that all the time.

In a statement released to The Wall Street Journal's Speakeasy blog, Allison Kaye, the General Manager of Scooter Braun Projects clarified the meaning of Bieber's Yuletide tweet, which was a result of his frustration with the media.

"Justin is a hard working 19 year old who would prefer that his recent fundraising work in the Philippines and the considerable amount raised for the cause would be the media's focus more than the recent reporting on him retiring," Kaye wrote before getting into the meat of the retirement question.

"Regarding his recent tweeting about his 'retirement,' Justin felt that this was the best was to respond to the latest in a long line of inaccurate or wildly exaggerated media reports about him. He chose to channel his frustration into playing along with this baseless rumor and even using 'beloved' to tip off his core fans that it wasn't real," she explained. "But within 20 minutes, Justin realized that fans were confused by the media reports and clarified that he was kidding."

So, the whole thing was just a poorly timed, not-so-funny joke.

Kaye and the rest of Bieber's camp deny that the Dec. 24 tweets were at all connected to his movie Believe, which opened in theaters the next day (to super low box office numbers).

Makes sense the whole ploy was a joke. Bieber just dropped his new studio album Journals on Dec. 23, is planning on releasing a new music video soon and has promised yet another album before the end of 2014.

Justin Bieber, Twitter, Scooter Braun
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