'LHHNY' Jhonni Blaze and Rich Dollaz are Rumored to Be Engaged

Could it be that Jhonni Blaze has not only won over Rich Dollaz, but also convinced him to put a ring on it? During the most recent season of Love & Hip Hop NY Blaze made it perfectly clear that she was totally wrapped up in Dollaz while he continued to play with other chicks. By the time the reunion shows aired the two were supposedly no longer dating, but still working together on Blaze's music career. Now various outlets are claiming that the two are engaged and Blaze herself posted a photo on Instagram showing off a nifty new rock on the appropriate finger. That photo has been removed but the rumors remain.

While MediaTakeOut was the first to claim that the two were engaged, it was Blaze herself who explained her love for Dollaz, recently saying, "I don't what [made] the other girls fall for him, but it's nothing about charm. It's the friendship that we had. We still have it, but it's difficult," she said. "He would listen to me on the phone cry... Just, you know, having conversations and just really let go... It was like nothing physical, but really was a genuine friend... That's what attracts me so much to him and made me love him so much."

Fans of LHHNY already know that Blaze's temper and anger issues are always her undoing. Do you think that Dollaz can stay committed to her (or any woman for that matter) or is she inevitably going to catch him with another random chick? Blaze's first season on the VH1 mega-hit show easily made her the breakout star that they needed, especially since Erica Mena has ended her run on the show. Blaze is exactly the firecracker that LHHNY was looking for. But is she a woman that can tame Dollaz?

Do you believe the rumors about Blaze and Dollaz being engaged? Do you think that they are really back together or is their current situation strictly business? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Jhonni Blaze, Lhhny
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