Chief Keef's Hologram Concert Streamed From Secret Location

UPDATE: FilmOn live streamed Craze Fest, in Hammond, Indiana, just outside of Chicago. The concert included performances by Lil Bibby, Jacquees and Riff Raff. Chief Keef's hologram took the stage just after 11:15 PM, and the performance was shut down by police minutes later.

Here's a video of Keef's hologram taking the stage, delivering his message of #StopTheViolence before opening with "I Don't Like."

Keef first announced the concert would take place on July 17 with a minimum $50 donation to the family of Dillan Harris, the slain toddler, required for entry. The "I Don't Like" rapper vowed to match all donations dollar for dollar.

On July 17, the concert was cancelled, apparently due to a "meddling priest" and intervention from Chicago officials. Keef recently signed a deal with FilmOn Networks, the company that owns the site that hosted the live stream of tonight's show.FilmOn's CEO, Alki David, released a statement following the initial postponement that accused a Chicago reverend of bullying the venue owners (Redmoon Theater) into cancelling the show.

"He is exploiting this tragedy and taking money away from the victims and solid charities who are doing good work in Chicago," read David's statement.

Father Pfleger, the reverend in question, denied any contact with Redmoon Theater, though he released a statement that implied he thinks Keef's music is partly responsible for the pervasive violence in Chicago.

"Instead of having a concert ... why doesn't he man up and acknowledge it's time to stop this violence and apologize for his part in it!!!!," Pfleger wrote in a Facebook post.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel echoed the reverend's thoughts, and his office released a statement that deemed the concert, even with Keef as a hologram, "a significant public safety risk."

Keef then responded with an Instagram video confirming he was going forward with the concert, albeit at a secret location, on July 25.

Oh yeah it's hannenin.... Powered by @alkidavid @hologramusa @filmontvnetworks A video posted by Chief Keef (@chieffkeeffsossa) on Jul 22, 2015 at 2:46am PDT

We hope Keef will prove city officials wrong and carry out the show without any violent outbreaks and with plenty of donations for the family of Dillan Harris.

Chief Keef
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