Chief Keef Calls Out Rahm Emanuel on Twitter, Will Run for Mayor of Chicago

We've got another (unlikely) beef on our hands: Chief Keef vs. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. That's right — after police shut down Keef's recent hologram performance, he's since called out Mayor Emanuel on Twitter.

Update: He's now running for mayor. Chief Keef is currently banned from performing in Chicago. The city wouldn't let him put on a memorial concert for the family of Dillan Harris, the one-year-old child who was killed by the same men who murdered rapper Capo, a member of Keef's Glo Gang crew.

In an effort to bypass the outstanding warrants against him, Keef suggested he perform via hologram, though that request was soon shut down, too.

After the cancellation, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office issued a statement that described Keef's music (both in human and hologram form) as "a significant public safety risk." But Sosa wouldn't go down without a fight and quickly made plans to schedule the show in a secret location. FilmOn TV, the company he recently signed a deal with, planned to live stream the concert.

Those who tuned into FilmOn Saturday night saw a live stream of Craze Fest, in Hammond, Indiana, just outside of Chicago. Keef's hologram took the stage around 11:15 PM, but the performance was shut down by police minutes into the first song ("I Don't Like").

The mayor of Hammond, Thomas M. McDermott Jr., sided with Mayor Emanuel. He had this to say: "I know nothing about Chief Keef. All I'd heard was he has a lot of songs about gangs and shooting people - a history that's anti-cop, pro-gang and pro-drug use. He's been basically outlawed in Chicago, and we're not going to let you circumvent Mayor Emanuel by going next door."

Two days after his hologram was unplugged at Craze Fest, Keef has called out Mayor Emanuel on Twitter. He posted the phone number to the mayor's office, and asked his fans to call and tell Mr. Emanuel "to stay the f*ck off the people's music."

One of Keef's followers favored the mayor's decision, which made Keef laugh, positing that he might actually be helping the mayor by getting him more Twitter followers. Emanuel currently has 119,000 followers compared to Sosa's 1.05 million.

For the icing on the cake, he proceeded to announced his own candidacy for Mayor of Chicago.

Before Keef's hologram started rapping on Saturday night, he addressed the crowd: "Stop the violence, stop nonsense, stop the killing. Let the kids grow up." The Glo Gang leader has made plans to turn #StopTheViolence into an official movement.

The owner of FilmOn TV, billionaire Alki David, also had some words for both mayors involved in shutting down Keef's fundraiser. He plans to fight back with legal action:

"Shame on the mayor and police chief of Hammond for shutting down a voice that can create positive change in a community in desperate need And for taking away money that could have gone to help the victims' families. This was a legal event and there was no justification to shut it down besides your glaring disregard for the First Amendment right to free speech. You've clearly been bullied by the proud mayor of the Murder Capitol of the U.S., Rahm Emanuel. Mark my words if you censor us you only make us stronger. Plus we'll be back to sue your ass."

So, tell us, who has a better shot: Keef for Mayor of Chicago? Or Waka for President? Tell us in the comments.

Chief Keef
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