Is Frank Ocean Working With SebastiAn On New Album?

Fans have been howling for any sort of positive news regarding the forthcoming and long awaited Frank Ocean and they may have just gotten it or did they? According to Ed Banger head honcho Pedro Winter, French producer SebastiAn has been working with the Channel Orange singer on some pieces, though things may not be that clear.

In an interview with Les inRocks, Winter revealed information about what the future holds for his label. In the interview, he revealed that SebastiAn "just finished the production for a few pieces for Frank Ocean - a very exciting collaboration - and then he can turn to his second album."

While this seems pretty straightforward - Frank Ocean tabbed SebastiAn to work on his album, it may be that Winter jumped the gun on this comment. In a statement to Fader, Winter downplayed the connection between these two.

"SebastiAn met Frank Ocean few times, that's all we know. For further infos please contact Frank's management," he said.

Ocean's team did not confirm or deny the collaboration in an email to Fader.

It seems odd that Winter would backtrack so hard on something like this. Maybe he is being pressured by Ocean's team to keep the album under wraps as best they can. It is also possible that the two didn't complete any new music. We will just have to continue waiting and hope there aren't any more Rick Rolls in store. Maybe an unexpected John Cena will come instead.

Winter also confirms that Justice in the process of making their third artist album. Label signees, Breakbot and Cassius have albums ready and will be released at the end of the year and beginning of 2016.

Frank Ocean
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