Hillary Clinton, Former Secretary of State Testifies in 11-Hour Hearing: #FreeHillary

Hillary Clinton testified in front of Congress in an eleven-hour hearing regarding her involvement in the Benghazi scandal, quelling concerns about her 2016 presidential campaign, according to CNN. The hearing was contentious, with Republicans mounting widespread criticism of Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. It ammounted to somewhat of an endurance test, with the presidential candidate standing before the committee for eleven full hours. As the committee progressed, questions shifted from her role in the Benghazi attack to her use of a private email server. Because of the hearing, a new Twitter hastage has popped up: "#FreeHillary."

Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the committee chairman, demanded, "Why were there so many requests for security equipment and personnel, and why were those requests denied in Washington? What did our leaders in Washington do or not do, and when?"

After taking a throat losange to alleviate her sore voice, Clinton said, "I came here because I said I would. And I've done everything I know to do, as have the people with whom I worked, to try to answer your questions. I cannot do any more than that."

While the hearing did not reveal any new salient information about the attack, it likely provided ammo for both Republicans and Democrats with strong opinions about Hillary's role. The hearing has been long-anticipated by both parties as a means of clearing up confusion, and possibly lobbing further criticism, at the President hopeful.

As the New York Times reports, the hearing began at 10 a.m. and, with breaks, lasted until 9 p.m.

Mrs. Clinton remained composed and calm throughout the hearing, refusing to give-in to Republican baiting. She told Congress, "Retreat from the world is not an option." She later said she found the accusations that she had contributed to the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens "personally painful" and "deeply distressing."

Hillary Clinton, Cnn, Congress
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