Morrissey is fighting back against bad reviews and overall criticism of his debut fiction novel, List Of The Lost, stating that they are "an attack against me as a human being." The book, which tells the story of a demonized relay team, is the singer/songwriter's second book, the first of which was his official memoir plainly titled Autobiography, which was released in October of 2013. Criticism against the book mainly points out the sex scenes, which many think were poorly written.
As The Guardian reports, Morrissey recently completed an email interview with a Chilean website, stating that the bashing, he believes, is directed more towards him, not his material.
"I strongly believe in freedom of expression and critics have to say what they have to say," he says. "But often the criticisms are an attack against me as a human being and have nothing to do with what they're reading."
He's not too happy with book critics trying to read between the lines and interpret his work either, letting them know that "It wasn't written for you. You cannot try to work out what you think the author should have written instead of what he actually wrote." He adds, "They [critics] want to start something that might bring them a bit of attention because they want it to be about them and their own personal taste. Nothing moves forwards in a world like this. If you ask the public not to buy the book you've given the book a level of attention which you don't want."
According to NME, List Of The Lost is being nominated for the Bad Sex In Fiction Award, which is meant to "draw attention to the crude, tasteless, often perfunctory use of redundant passages of sexual description in the modern novel, and to discourage it."
Have you read List Of The Lost? We'd love to hear what you thought of the book.
A photo posted by ♀ida nike tin-tin♀ (@ett_kolikbarn) on Nov 2, 2015 at 10:00am PST
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