Martin Garrix has released the fourth episode his personal and lengthy video web series titled The Martin Garrix Show. This new episode follows Garrix on his summer travels as he jets around Europe hitting various festivals including the massive, crossover Sziget Festival, his residency in Ibiza and much more. At the very end he announces his plans to launch his own label.
The video kicks off at Martin's beautiful Ibiza villa where he would spend time over the summer as a base to relax and produce music when he has days off. He also had a residency at Ushuaia titled Multiply where he would perform weekly. Unfortunately during the summer somebody broke into the villa and totally destroyed the place with axes, stealing some of Martin and his team's valuables, but Garrix luckily had his producer laptop with him at a gig.
No one was hurt, thankfully.
He is a brand ambassador for Tag Heuer and the video follows Garrix on a visit to a factory in Switzerland, where he met the CEO Jean-Claude Biver and ate dinner at his house with his family.
Biver who is "obsessed" with Garrix, had high praise for the young Dutchman. "He stays humble, he stays simple, he gives himself the mission to make other people happy, he is a missionary," says Biver. "He is the missionary of music."
One of the biggest gigs of the summer for Garrix was at the crossover festival Sziget Festival in Hungary where he closed out the main stage over acts like Limp Bizkit and premiered a brand new song.
His set was taken down from YouTube, but only after amassing several million views.
Then things get a little chillier as the scene jumps a few months ahead to a hectic Amsterdam Dance Event where he hosts his own guest-filled sold-out show at Heineken Music Hall and then goes through the rest of the week with press and DJ Mag.
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