Most people know the name Scooter Braun as the man who discovered the 12-year old, YouTube sensation, Justin Bieber, convinced him and Bieber's mother to move to the States and turned Bieber from just another YouTube name to one of the biggest musicians on the planet today. Although a riveting success story, there were some scary moments along the way to Bieber's stardom, and Braun revealed them in a recent interview.
Braun sat down with the New York Times to discuss everything from A-Z about Braun, but of course, the most interesting part of the interview was when Braun spoke of Bieber's rise, and Braun's fear of what was happening.
When asked, "When did the Bieber comeback campaign start in earnest?," Braun replied with, "[After Journals, Mr. Bieber's 2013 digital compilation,] he wanted to tour, and I honestly at that time felt, if he toured, he could die."
At the time individuals in the A&R department continued to congratulate Braun on his successes with Bieber, but Braun wasn't happy with how things with Bieber's personal life were headed. He added, "I was trying to do that job for a year and a half, and I failed every single day. It wasn't until something happened that it clicked for him. He made the conscious decision as a young man: 'I need to make a change in my own life.'"
Braun made it very clear that although vague in his words in the interview, when the time is right, Bieber will tell everyone what was truly going on. Braun noted, "The outsiders don't really know what was happening. It was far worse than people realize. And when he is ready, he will tell what he was going through. But it's a hard thing to watch someone you care and genuinely love go through that. I'm really, really happy that's over."
With any young star who's put in the spotlight at such a young age, it's often difficult to live a normal life, as fans and the media want you to be something that you may not be, and such seems to be the case with Bieber.
When Braun was asked when he felt like the turning point in Bieber's career shifted from some bad times, to the road to his redemption, Braun said it began with the roast of Bieber on Comedy Central. Better yet, the idea came from a 21-year-old intern. "I just think my generation doesn't care about that. I think if you want people to see that he's for real, he should do a Comedy Central roast," said Braun's intern, Ava Coleman. Braun was speaking with Comedy Central the next day.
Although Bieber went through some tough times, recently, he has certainly proven his maturity and talents, especially with his collaborations with Skillex, Diplo and Jack Ü. If his Purpose album is any indication of his maturity and growth, expect to see more and more amazing music from Bieber very soon, as fans anxiously await for Bieber to sit down and talk about the "dark times" Braun was alluding to earlier.
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