Selena Gomez' next project will be a Woody Allen film under Amazon Studios. Although the movie is still untitled, the "Hands to Myself" hit maker will join "Call me by Your Name" actor Timothée Chalamet and "The Beguiled" star Elle Fanning. A renowned American filmmaker himself, Woody Allen recently made his first television series production under Amazon Video titled "Crisis in Six Scenes" as he works with Elaine May and Miley Cyrus.
His movie "Wonder Wheel" will be the closing-night film of the New York Film Festival in October. This future project of Allen with Amazon Studios have no specific details yet aside from the three artists revealed to cast it. According to reports from Business Standard, this will be the third film under Amazon Studios with which Woody Allen has worked on.
Elle Fanning and Timothée Chalamet each have their fair share of busy schedules with the former on her upcoming film next month at the Toronto International Film Festival titled Reed Morano's "I Think We're Alone Now." On the other hand, Chalamet is to watch out for at SXSW on his upcoming film "Hot Summer Nights."
Seemingly, Selena Gomez has her hands full of work to do is the executive producer of the hit Netflix series "13 Reasons Why".Based on a recent report from Hollywood Reporter, Gomez has just finished recording the voice of Mavis in "Hotel Transylvania 3" set to premiere in September 2018.Following subsequent health problems and relationship rumors, Selena Gomez maintains her popularity and projects with the help of WME, Lighthouse Management & Media and Ziffren Brittenham who currently handles her.
After her rehab treatments and health status confirmation that she has lupus in 2015, Selena Gomez was able to continue her career, her latest film "In Dubious Battle" with James Franco; the film which was released on 3 September 2016. Gomez has also released a new single and a music video for "Bad Liar" this year which is only available through Spotify. The second single called "Fetish" was released last July as a music video on YouTube.
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