BB-8 shows more of its playful side in the newly-released "Star Wars" animated shorts. In one of the blips, the spherical droid encounters its "dark side" counterpart, the monotonous and moody BB-9E, while another blip features a battle with R2-D2.
In the blip "Hey You", BB-8 tries to communicate with the black droid but is ignored completely. Showing determination, BB-8 forces BB-9E to chase it, seemingly playing a game of tag, with BB-9E ending up crashing into the wall. BB-8 fixes the broken droid and flees for its life, with BB-9E reactivates.
In another video, aptly titled "One Up", shows BB-8 and R2-D2 competed to show who the better droid was. Doing different tricks, from spinning to flying and taser-showing, BB-8's dome-shooting took the cake.
As reported by Comicbook, other droids are also seen in the blip "Fan Droids", where they watch memorable moments of R2-D2's exploits in the first six "Star Wars" films. After "Artoo" passes by, the droids start to "fan-droid", with one seemingly exploding and dropping on the floor.
BB-9E was first introduced during the "Force Friday II" event through different types of droids, with a remote-controlled version created by toy company Sphero and some "Star Wars" Lego sets. If it is not obvious by the droid's color scheme, Polygon points out that its inclusion on a Lego set with Kylo Ren heavily indicates BB-9E will be part of The First Order.
BB-8, on the other hand, was originally introduced in Episode VII "The Force Awakens" as the astromech droid by the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, played by Oscar Isaac. In the movie, he carries the map that points out the location of Luke Skywalker, playing the role similar to R2-D2 had in the original trilogy.
"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is scheduled to arrive in December 2017.
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