Drogon's Purr Is Actually Tortoise Sex, 'Game Of Thrones' Sound Designer Reveals

The team behind the hit show Game of Thrones made a bold revelation in a recent podcast interview about the inspiration behind Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion's noises. It turns out that the sounds Daenerys's dragons make come from insect noises and, most interestingly, from the groans tortoises make during lovemaking.

Apparently, the creative team did a lot of research and tweaking to find the perfect sound to match the giant creatures in the HBO drama series. Paula Fairfield, the sound designer for Game of Thrones, revealed that her team had to tweak the sounds of small animals to match with the dragons.

According to Fairfield, the combined sound of insect noises such as the sound from dragonfly wings and screeching birds all make up the noises from the dragons. What is interesting, though, is the sound Drogon makes.

Daenerys' favorite dragon only uttered a few sounds in the past seven seasons of Game of Thrones. However, the few he made are worth their scenes, especially since he usually makes this noticeable gentle purr when around the Mother of Dragons.

Fairfield revealed that it took great effort to come up with the gentle sound coming from a legendary creature. They had to tweak the sound that giant tortoises make when they have sex.

"The groan of the male actually became, with some work and adjustments, the source for Drogon's purr with [Daenerys]," Fairfield said in a podcast interview on Radiolab's Big Little Questions.

Fairfield noticed that Game of Thrones viewers would often giggle every time they hear Drogon purr, yet they do not know the reason behind their reaction. She pointed out that the sound actually has that "kind of sensual, sexual essence."

Fairfield further explained why they chose the sound tortoises make when they mate as Drogon's purr. She revealed that it had something to do with Khal Drogo, Daenerys' first husband, who sadly passed from an infected would in season 1 of Game of Thrones. Drogon, who is named after the former Dothraki leader, gets his personality from Khal Drogo.

"I have sounds I might choose based on the certain personality types I might want to push forward ... So Drogon is like her lover," Fairfield added.

Drogon's purr is, in a way, likened to how Khal Drogo used to stare sexily at the Mother of Dragons, or as Fairfield puts it: "He's whistling at her all the time, he's looking at her butt and going, 'Oh baby.'"

Game of Thrones, HBO
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