Auli'i Cravalho voiced Moana in the animated film of the same title in 2016. With the live-action adaptation of the movie announced, many people are expecting Cravalho to reprise her role in the upcoming film.
While Dwayne The Rock Johnson announced returning as Maui the Demigod, it seemed like the young actress have something planned instead.
Auli'i Cravalho Not Playing 'Moana'?
In a recent post on her Instagram account, Auli'i Cravalho finally clarified if she would be playing the beloved character Moana in the new "Moana" movie again.
"When I was cast as Moana at 14, it wonderfully changed my life and started my career. In this live-action retelling, I will not be reprising the role," she revealed.
Cravalho noted that it is "absolutely vital" that the casting for Moana "accurately represents" the characters. Screen Rant suggested that Moana is actually around the age of 16-17 years old.
"So, as an executive producer on the film, I cannot wait to help find the next actress to portray Moana's courageous spirit, undeniable wit and emotional strength," she continued.
According to her, she is "truly honored" to pass the baton to the next actress that has Pacific Island descent to honor the Pacific people, cultures, and communities that the actual story represents and signifies.
"I look forward to all the beautiful Pacific representation to come," she ended her video.
Auli'i Cravalho Doing A Better Role In 'Moana' Movie
Although it is sad to hear that Auli'i Cravalho won't be reprising her great role, the actress-singer is said to be taking part in a larger role in the film.
As mentioned in her video, Cravalho will be serving as an executive producer for the upcoming live-action adaptation of "Moana."
Dwayne The Rock Johnson, who announced his involvement in the project earlier this year, will be reprising his role in the film.
"This story is my culture, and this story is emblematic of our people's grace and warrior strength," Johnson said in a statement. "I wear this culture proudly on my skin and in my soul, and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reunite with Maui-inspired by the mana and spirit of my late grandfather, High Chief Peter Maivia-is one that runs very deep for me."
Check out the announcement below for the upcoming live-action movie of "Moana."
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