• 7 Bands Whose Drummers Are Their Most Famous Member: Rush, The Roots, And More

    A few weeks ago I wrote an article about bassists who are the most famous members of their bands, something that doesn't happen very often. Though drummers tend to get more recognition than bassists, they're often stuck in the shadows behind the guitarist or singer. However, these seven bands break this trend by having drummers who end up being their most famous members.
  • The Flaming Lips' "The Soft Bulletin": 13 Songs Ranked

    Fifteen years ago today, the Flaming Lips released its masterpiece The Soft Bulletin in the US, an album which signaled the band's complete shift from acid punks to psychedelic pop geniuses. Though there are many editions of the album with different tracklistings, in total there are thirteen original songs released across each edition. Here's my ranking of the album's thirteen songs, from weakest to best.
  • Guided By Voices' "Bee Thousand": 20 Songs Ranked

    Twenty years ago today (June 21), Ohio indie rock band Guided By Voices released its breakthrough album Bee Thousand, a majestic 37-minute collage of psychedelic power pop that set the stage for lo-fi music. Here are the album's 20 songs ranked, from weakest to best.
  • 5 Musicians With Two Equally Famous Bands: Dave Grohl, Eric Clapton, And More

    Plenty of musicians join more than one band throughout their careers, but most of them end up being associated with just one band. That's why Paul McCartney is always referred to as a member of the Beatles, and not a member of Wings. However, there are some artists who are lucky enough to have been members of two different bands that are equally as famous or influential. Here are five artists that are equally known for two different bands.
  • 6 Great Albums That Are Front-Loaded: Talking Heads, St. Vincent, And More

    Sequencing an album is a tricky process. If you place all of the weakest songs at the beginning, the listeners might not make it to the end. If you place all of your best songs at the beginning, however, the rest of the album is going to be disappointing. Here are six great albums whose track listings were front-loaded, with all of the best songs in the beginning.
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