• Is Claudia Jordan's Interest in Kordell Stewart at the Root of Her Feud With 'RHOA' Co-Star Porsha Williams?

    Well, all of that ugliness that has unfolded in the feud between Claudia Jordan and co-star Porsha Williams during the current season of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" is beginning to make a lot more sense now. The two have been at odds for months now, with Jordan accusing Williams of sleeping with married men for bags and shoes, according to Hello Beautiful. If you watched last night's Jan. 25, episode then you saw footage of Peter Thomas's new club opening, and let's just say that, according to "Us Magazine," Jordan seems to be good friends with Williams's ex Kordell Stewart!
  • Jennifer Aniston Claims That There Is No Bad Blood Between Her and Angelina Jolie

    Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston to be with Angelina Jolie nearly a decade ago and it has somehow managed to be as big a story now as it was way back then. It seems like the press is always trying to figure out where things stand in this Hollywood triangle but according to a recent interview, Aniston there really is nothing to discuss, it's kind of old news.
  • Halle Berry Is Ready to Divorce Hot-Headed Olivier Martinez

    This time last year there were some serious rumors about Halle Berry having split from her new husband Olivier Martinez. The couple had just welcomed a new baby, but they were rumored to be separated and there were no real sightings of them together until just last month, when they showed up at a theme park in Paris looking all loved up. Unfortunately, Martinez allegedly got into a physical altercation at LAX a few weeks ago that has once again left their union on shaky ground.
  • No Prenup Means That Giada De Laurentiis Is Battling Ex Todd Thompson Over Millions

    When Giada De Laurentiis and Todd Thompson tied the knot in 2003, signing a prenup was not much of a thought. At that point he was likely worth more than she was, but that changed quickly because by the time they had reached their first anniversary, De Laurentiis had garnered mainstream success. That was the year when she began working with the Food Network, and from that point on the money began rolling in. Now, 12 years later, the couple's financial records are starting to be dissected, and that supposedly amicable divorce is reportedly beginning to get a little bit messy.
  • Joe Giudice's Wedding Ring Is Off as He Juggles Four Kids While Teresa Is in Prison

    It only took Joe Giudice about 24 hours to ditch his wedding ring after his wife began serving her sentence at a federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. Hours after Teresa Giudice turned herself in, Joe was spotted out and about in New Jersey without his ring. It has been widely reported that their marriage was in trouble, even before they were sentenced to serve prison time for purposely shady business dealings. Once jail time became official, with Teresa going away first, their marriage reportedly hit the skids hard.Fans of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" already know the Giudices have had separate bedrooms for the last few years because the kids actually talked about it on camera. Now The Hollywood Life is reporting that Teresa may have agreed to an open marriage while she spends the next 13 months in custody. The one stipulation supposedly made is that he be extremely discreet in whatever he decides to do.
  • Did 'Today's' Matt Lauer Have an Affair with Giada De Laurentiis?

    Giada De Laurentiis has been plagued with rumors ever since announcing her split from husband Todd Thompson last week. She has been accused of cheating on her soon-to-be-ex with several different men, and while De Laurentiis is denying all accusations of infidelity, there is one that is raising eyebrows. The celebrity chef has been accused of hooking up with the host of "The Today Show," Matt Lauer, who is often the subject of cheating rumors himself.According to Page Six, De Laurentiis denies getting cozy with the married Lauer in 2011 in Barbados, where he was filming a segment for the NBC morning news program. The problem is that Lauer has been accused of cheating on his long-suffering wife Annette Rogue, with numerous women over the course of their 17-year marriage. Even just a few weeks ago we told you about how Lauer chose to spend last summer holed up in his New York City apartment rather than out in the Hamptons with his wife and children. That was after NBC agreed to have a helicopter fly him to and from work each day so he could be close to his family all summer.It is Lauer's dicey history that is making many wonder if something did happen a few years ago with De Laurentiis.
  • 'RHONJ' Teresa Giudice Has Turned Herself in to Danbury Federal Prison to Begin Serving 15-Month Sentence

    The first day of the next 15 months of Teresa Giudice's life has finally arrived. "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" star turned herself in to Danbury Federal Correctional Institution at around 3 a.m. this morning, Jan. 5, accompanied by her attorney, James J. Leonard Jr. Her husband, Joe Giudice, stayed behind with the couple's four children, no doubt one of the hardest days of their lives.When asked about Giudice's mindset this morning, Leonard claims his client actually was holding up well, all things considered. He told northjersey.com that Giudice was:"Very, very strong. Very, what I would say is, very anxious to get this thing started and very anxious to get it behind her. In all of my discussions with her, her singular focus has been on her four children. She's never talked about what is this gonna be like for me. Always her concern is with her children, not with herself. We worked it out with the prison. They wanted her to report at 3 a.m. We actually got to Danbury at about a quarter to 2. Then we went and found a diner and had something to eat. We just talked and then when we were done, we went to the prison."Leonard also said the prison staff was kind to Giudice and answered her questions about visitation and phone calls. No doubt this is the start of reality finally hitting the reality star and her kids as well. Her oldest daughter, Gia Giudice, has already shown some understandable emotional cracks, and this past weekend was tough on the 13-year-old.
  • 'RHOA' Phaedra Parks Insists She Was Faithful to Apollo Nida, Will Always Love Him

    "The Real Housewives of Atlanta's" Phaedra Parks has been dealing with the fallout from her imploding marriage and then watching her husband Apollo Nida turn himself in to begin serving an eight-year prison term in just the last several months alone. She has had more than enough on her plate, not to mention a plethora of messy feelings to sort through when rumors made things even tougher.According to a variety of sources, not too long ago the gossip mill started buzzing with a story about Parks cheating on Nida. She has always tried to carry herself well, and that has been tricky while living her life under a microscope, and while there are many things Parks will not respond to, this allegation was different."It's very hard to be in the public eye, under such public scrutiny, have the type of trauma that I'm having in my personal life, and have it aired for everyone [to] make their own crazy suggestions. It was very troubling. For one moment, I broke my Southern belle code and whipped my purse around. If you're already at your breaking point because you really have so much on your plate and someone throws out such a ridiculous accusation, such as me cheating ...," she said."I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I have been a very faithful wife. I think I've been an excellent wife. I have two small children, and I'm raising my sons to respect women. It's ridiculous to think I would ever do anything inappropriate, and there has never been any documentation of any such thing," explained Parks in a recent "Access Hollywood" interview.She has also admitted to still loving Nida, in spite of everything.
  • Gia Giudice's Tweet Raises Concern Hours Before Her Mother Teresa Begins Prison Sentence

    Can you imagine being 13 years old and knowing that you are about to lose your mother for 15 months because she has to report to prison? That is the position Gia Giudice is in now that her mother, Teresa Giudice, is hours away from turning herself in to a Connecticut prison camp. While Teresa was granted an extra three months of freedom so she could spend this holiday season with her kids, the time has come for her to pay for years of bank fraud and other financial crimes, and her oldest daughter is reportedly feeling the stress.On Saturday night, Jan. 3, Gia tweeted about not being able to sleep — it has since been deleted — because she had too much on her mind, and while she has always seemed like a tough kid, she certainly has a rough road ahead of her and she knows it. While "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" star has claimed that she always puts her kids first, her presence is not going to be felt for more than a year, and that could potentially leave a lot resting on Gia's shoulders.Joe Giudice is expected to take over all the family duties, but that sounds problematic, especially since he originally used his alcoholism as a way of getting out of doing federal time. Now we know he will do that federal time after Teresa is released, and we also know he has spent the majority of his time these last several months drinking and avoiding the stress at home. It is a mystery how he will clean himself up in order to morph into the role of a responsible father.
  • Nikki Reed is in Love with Ian Somerhalder But Refuses to Commit as 'Vampire Diaries' Fans Still Hope for Reconciliation with Nina Dobrev

    Nikki Reed's divorce from Paul McDonald is just about a done deal but that doesn't mean that the actress will be jumping into another marriage anytime soon. Reed has had a very public romance with Ian Somerhalder since last summer and the two are basically inseparable. They have been spotted all over the place together, shopping, working out and giving time to various charities but still Reed is refusing to commit.