• Nene Leakes Quits 'RHOA', Joins 'Fashion Police' Cast with Melissa Rivers

    Nene Leakes has become quite the reality legend from her seven year stint as one of the original cast members of the Bravo hit show The Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA). But all good things must come to an end as is the case with Leakes who leaves RHOA and lands new gig with E!'s Fashion Police.
  • Giuliana Rancic Confirms She's Leaving 'E! News' After a Scandalous Year

    It has been a pretty rocky year for E!'s Giuliana Rancic. First she came under serious fire for making what many perceived to be racist remarks about Zendaya's hair on Oscar night and then she chased that with a book that painted a fairly negative picture of her as well. Her drama directly contributed to the hiatus of Fashion Police and many expected her to be fired from the series. Instead Rancic has announced that she will be leaving E! News later this summer.
  • Is Giuliana Rancic Really Thrilled About Melissa Rivers Joining 'Fashion Police' as Host?

    Can E!'s "Fashion Police" bounce back from the devastating loss of Joan Rivers and then the round of bad press that it received earlier this year? Executive producer, Melissa Rivers, is hoping so and in order to make it happen, she is taking matters into her own hands. Starting in September, Rivers will become a panelist on the weekly fashion gabfest, hoping to recapture some of the energy that her late mother brought to the show. In somewhat of a surprising move, Rivers has also decided to bring back Giuliana Rancic as a co-host.
  • Giuilana Rancic's New Book Paints a Dysfunctional Picture of E! Host

    Is Giuliana Rancic trying to kill her career? We really have to wonder, given her recent behavior. The insults that she dished out at Zendaya Coleman on Oscar night are old news, as is the fact that she was the catalyst that helped push Fashion Police into a 6-month hiatus. This time around we're talking about Rancic's own disclosures in her new book, Going Off Script. This thing has been marketed as a tell-all and in its' pages, Rancic does just that and the last time we checked most celebs don't appreciate when an entertainment host sells them out in print.
  • Giuliana Rancic Admits to 'Binging' and Having Eating Disorder Issues

    Giuliana Rancic has been a real lightening rod for controversy lately, hasn't she? Her clueless comments towards Zendaya Coleman on Oscar night were the catalyst for both Kathy Griffin and Kelly Osbourne to quit "Fashion Police" and now the series is completely on hiatus. She has been accused of being a nightmarish diva on set and we have heard that her marriage to Bill Rancic has been on shaky ground as well. In case Rancic wasn't dealing with enough drama, she now has a tell-all out called "Going Off Script" and in it, she is giving up quite a bit of information on herself (like a possible eating disorder) as well as on those around her.
  • Giuliana Rancic Not Returning to 'Fashion Police' After Chicago Move

    We told you the other day that Giuliana Rancic has confirmed that she will be moving to Chicago in the coming months. It will be the first time since marrying Bill Rancic that the E! host will no longer divide her time between Los Angeles and Chicago, and it seems to be a pretty clear sign that her days as a critic on 'Fashion Police' are over. When asked about her future with the show, she simply responded, "We'll see," further fueling rumors that she will not return when the show returns next fall.
  • Giuliana Rancic Confirms Move to Chicago: Is E! Phasing Her Out?

    Just about every aspect of Giuliana Rancic's life seems to be in a serious state of upheaval. She has taken her public lumps after insulting Zendaya Coleman on Oscar night, her working relationship with E! was said to be strained when she played a huge role in 'Fashion Police' being put on hiatus and then there is her weight. She has gotten so much negative press about how thin she is that Rancic actually addressed the eating disorder rumors and blames her ultra-thiness on her cancer medication. Now the host is confirming that she will soon be moving to Chicago to be with her husband Bill Rancic full-time. Up until now, the couple has shared parenting duties between Los Angeles and Chicago, which is certainly not the best thing for a young family. But does this mean E! is phasing her out?
  • 'Fashion Police' Giuliana Rancic Denies Eating Disorder, Blames Cancer Medication for Being Too Thin

    Giuliana Rancic has found herself tangled in controversy over the past several weeks, but instead of slowly fading away the drama seems to just snowball for the E! host. First there was the infamous comment that Rancic made about Zendaya Coleman on Oscar night. Sure she apologized, but when all was said and done that comment was the catalyst for Kelly Osbourne and Kathy Griffin quitting 'Fashion Police' before Melissa Rivers decided that it was best to put the show on hiatus. The stress has taken a toll on Rancic's personal life, leaving her looking skinnier than ever and the backlash has been pretty vicious. She has denied having an eating disorder, blaming her cancer medication for making her look too thin.
  • Giuliana Rancic Thinness Due to Stress Trying to Save 'Fashion Police' Job and Marriage to Bill Rancic

    Giuliana Rancic's year is really off to a lousy start, and all that stress seems to be taking a real toll on her. The E! star seems to be a lightening rod for criticism, and unfortunately in recent weeks she has brought a lot of it on herself. Her comments regarding Zendaya Coleman's Oscar ensemble brought backlash, and even after a well-publicized apology, Rancic was still taking verbal hits. Her diva antics are reportedly a catalyst leading to 'Fashion Police' taking a six-month hiatus and, as of now, her job and marriage are said to be on shaky ground. In fact, she looks thinner than ever due to the stress.
  • 'Fashion Police' Will Recast Open Seats and Continue On for Now

    'Fashion Police' has been in a state of total chaos ever since Joan Rivers's unexpected death last September, and while E! has tried in vain to stabilize things, it seems a nearly impossible task. Since Melissa Rivers is an executive producer on the show, she pushed for it to continue, believing that her mother would have wanted it to do so. After the last two months of disarray, it has turned into a show that even Joan would not recognize, but insiders say 'Fashion Police' will continue on, for now. According to sources connected with the production, E! executives have already met to discuss the future of the show, and they plan to recast the open seats and possibly create a different show with the same concept, said a new report by TMZ.
  • 'Fashion Police' Is Falling Apart Without Joan Rivers

    We have to wonder if everyone at E! is regretting deciding to keep 'Fashion Police' on the air after Joan Rivers's death in September. The show was a clear-cut success and the ratings were great last summer, as Rivers managed to take a floundering show about critiquing fashion and turn it into a hit. Even if people did not care about the red carpet, they would tune it to hear Rivers in action. While it was a nice idea to keep the show going in the iconic comedienne's memory, it is clearly not working. Not only is 'Fashion Police' falling apart and sinking in the ratings, but the battleground that had been kept behind closed doors has now tumbled out into the press as well.
  • NeNe Leakes and Khloé Kardashian in Running for 'Fashion Police' Job

    There has been nothing but turmoil behind the scenes at E!'s 'Fashion Police.' First there was Giuliana Rancic's comment about Zendaya Coleman's hair that spawned backlash even after she apologized, and then it looked like the network was seriously considering whether or not to give its star her walking papers. When that did not happen, Kelly Osbourne made good on her threats and officially quit 'Fashion Police.' Now producers are scrambling to fill the open seat on the panel, and a few names seem to be in the running for the gig. Just a few short months ago, the network hired Kathy Griffin to fill the spot once occupied by the late Joan Rivers, and the short list of potential replacements is the same now. NeNe Leakes and Khloé Kardashian are strong contenders and the final decision really could go either way. Leakes is considered the star on 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta' and has absolutely no problem making her opinions loudly known.