Oscar Pistorius Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison for Valentine's Day Killing of Reeva Steenkamp

Just two years ago, Oscar Pistorius was best known for being an Olympic track-and-field star most commonly referred to as "the blade runner." Now that same man has been sentenced to five years behind bars for the Valentine's Day 2013 killing of Reeva Steenkamp. Judge Thokozile Masipa is known for delivering harsh sentences, so many were surprised when she tossed out a murder charge in favor of culpable homicide, but from the start of this morning's proceedings in South Africa it was clear Pistorius was going to prison.

While Masipa did not believe the prosecution's case that insisted that Pistorius killed his girlfriend after a loud argument that carried into the wee hours of the morning, she did insist he had to be punished for taking a life. Masipa also said she wanted to send a clear message that being a celebrity does not mean that the rules are any different to live by.

After the sentencing, Pistorius was immediately taken away to begin serving his term.

What is interesting in South Africa is that even the prosecution can appeal a verdict. If it feels that the judge should have found Pistorius guilty of murder, then the prosecution can and may begin an appeals process to have the case heard again in front of another judge.

In the meantime, thanks to overcrowding in South African jails, Pistorius is likely to serve 10 months behind bars and then he may spend the rest of his sentence under house arrest.

The prosecution has made it known it is unhappy with Masipa's judgment in this case from the start.

Do you think it will begin the appeals process? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Murder, Valentines Day, Jail, Sentencing, Fight, Olympics
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