Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson Immediately Allowed to Return to Duty If Cleared in Michael Brown's Death Investigation

A grand jury in St. Louis County has been hearing testimony for nearly three months now over a case that has grabbed headlines on a daily basis. The account of what happened between Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9 differs depending on who you happen to be listening to but the case has incited protests, riots and opened some serious dialogue. Some witnesses have claimed that the unarmed Brown had his hands in the air when shot numerous times by Wilson. The officer insists that killing Brown was ultimately an act done in self defense, and the grand jury's final decision on whether or not to indict Wilson is expected any day now.

It certainly seems like they are expecting Wilson to be cleared as Ferguson is already beefing up security measures and has the National Guard on standby. If Wilson escapes an indictment then he actually can return to duty with the Ferguson Police Department immediately. Whether or not he may want to is a different story all together though. According to Bob Gorsky, a criminal defense attorney who has represented Dallas police offers for nearly 40 years, believes that Wilson's return would have a lot to do with the support the police department gives him.

"I would be surprised if they put him back on the streets at least in the near future. He's always going to be dealing with the emotional scars of the event itself, not to mention the scrutiny he's gone through. It's going to be a tough situation for him. Hopefully the department will support him if he's not charged with a crime."

Do you think that Wilson is going to be exonerated in the killing of Brown? If so, will he ever really return to active duty in Ferguson? Doesn't it seem likely that if he were to venture back out onto those same streets he might have a target on his back? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, Shooting, Grand jury, Riots, Indictment, Protests, Backlash, Dead, Crime
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