Militant Group Known as RbG Black Rebels Has Already Put a Bounty on Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson's Head

It sounds like there's a pretty good chance that tomorrow will be the day when the whole nation learns whether or not a Ferguson grand jury has decided to indict officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown. It's the kind of case that has been absolutely impossible to escape the details of, with rioting marking the first few weeks following the shooting. It has been a case of he said/she said that has pushed just about every kind of civil rights button.

Staunch support exists for both Brown and Wilson and that means that no matter what the decision is, there is sure to be fallout. That reality has lead Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to declare an official State of Emergency and to have the National Guard move in to place ahead of the impending violence. While many seem to fear the reactive response to the decision, there are also militant groups working behind the scenes to carry out various acts of discord.

RbG Black Rebels is one group that already allegedly has a bounty out on Officer Wilson's head. According to WebProNews, RbG is offering $5,000 to anyone who can directly lead them to Wilson. The group insists they just want to ask him some questions but other tweets that they've posted make it sound like there is an awful lot going on in terms of planning for attacks of some kind.

If Wilson isn't indicted on felony charges then he will actually be free to return to active duty immediately. Do you think that there's any chance that he would actually do that, knowing that there's most definitely a target on his back? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Darren Wilson, Michael Brown, Indictment, Grand jury, Shooting, Riots
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