FBI Arrests Two Intending To Bomb Ferguson During Protests As Unrest Continues Ahead of Darren Wilson's Indictment Decision

There still hasn't been a decision yet as to whether or not Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson will be indicted in the shooting death last August of Michael Brown, yet the unrest is intensifying. On Friday it was confirmed that two men were arrested on suspicion of buying explosives that they were intending to detonate during protests, once a decision is finally in. While their identities have yet to be revealed, the two are now facing a slew of federal firearms charges.

This is just one more example of just how violent things may easily escalate to if Wilson isn't indicted. Ferguson is already under an official State of Emergency and the National Guard has already moved in to position making it pretty hard to believe that these measures would be taken if Wilson was going to be charged with a felony. If he were indicted then his employment with the Ferguson Police Department would be terminated but as of yesterday there were reports that he was in the process of negotiating a resignation, again, something unnecessary under an indictment.

While news coverage of the unrest has been nonstop, there has been little focus on the fact that organized black militia groups in the area appear to be organizing soft target attacks to show how disappointed in the legal system they are. As of now we're not sure if the two that the FBI have arrested are members of any of these groups but it's worth noting that impulsive riots aren't necessarily the biggest worry that Ferguson has right now.

How much longer do you think it will take before the decision regarding Wilson's fate is announced? One of the biggest school districts in the Ferguson area has canceled classes for all of next week. Do you think we'll have to wait until Monday for more information? Do you think that Missouri is really prepared for whatever is right around the corner? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

FBI, Ferguson, Unrest, Darren Wilson, Michael Brown, Indictment, Shooting, Grand jury
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