Ferguson Grand Jury Will Meet Again Monday: Darren Wilson's Indictment Decision Still at Least 24 Hours Away

Last Friday, it looked like a decision in Ferguson was imminent, but now we know that the grand jury that will determine the fate of Police Officer Darren Wilson will reconvene Monday, Nov. 24, for more deliberations. On Aug. 9, Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown after an altercation between them turned into a life-and-death situation. While waiting to see if Wilson will be indicted, tension is palpable with protestors insisting that this has now become a case revolving around civil rights.

A state of emergency has been called in the St. Louis area, and National Guard members are also already in place, leading many to believe that it is pretty obvious that Wilson will not be indicted. But Brown's family was assured a phone call from Ferguson prosecutors once a decision is reached, and they have yet to hear anything either way.

Downtown STL, a civic group that supports and promotes local small business's claim that they have received word that the jury will in fact be meeting tomorrow in the hopes of reaching a decision as to whether or not murder charges against Wilson are warranted. If he is not indicted, then legally Wilson could be out on the streets in active duty immediately. In reality, that is unlikely. It has been rumored that he is ironing out a deal to resign from the force in favor of working somewhere else in the country.

If he does not face charges, then it is in Wilson's best interest to get out of Ferguson and quickly. As we have already reported, several militia groups in the area already have a bounty out on the officer's head, so it is pretty unlikely that he will ever work another regular shift with the Ferguson police department.

The area is bracing for the worst once a decision either way is announced. School has been canceled for all of next week, store fronts are boarded up and the locals are taking extra precautions.

Do you think rioting is inevitable? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, Indictment, Grand jury, Fear, Riots, Protesters, Ferguson
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