The worst-case scenario is what has unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri, after a 12-person grand jury failed to indict officer Darren Wilson on any criminal charges in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in August. While Brown's family pled for peaceful protests, that was not what several black militia groups, such as the RgB Black Rebels, had in mind. Police in riot gear failed to control protestors, according to AOL, who went from throwing rocks to torching several of their own local businesses in just a few hours last night, Nov. 24.
Prosecuting attorney Bob McCulloch said the jury met on 25 separate days over the course of three months, hearing more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses, including three medical examiners and experts on blood, toxicology and firearms. In the end, they ultimately believed Wilson's account of what had occurred between him and Brown. It is also important to note that the physical evidence also guided the jurors in making their final decision.
Many seemed to feel that McCulloch completely dropped the ball in his defiant delivery of the grand jury's decision. He was in a position to attempt to unite both sides by his tone and empathy for the loss of Brown's life and how it has crushed the teen's family. Instead, McCulloch seemed to inflame protestors even more and the end result was disastrous, according to Yahoo!
Ferguson riots.
Two police cars were torched, several businesses were broken into and looted and at least 12 businesses were burnt to the ground. While the National Guard had supposedly been called up to keep the peace, their presence was certainly not felt in Ferguson last night.
Instead, police threw tear gas into the crowd, leaving several CNN and Fox News reporters gasping for water and help while live on the air. Local Ferguson officials have said that last night was far worse than any of the rioting they had dealt with shortly after the unarmed Brown was killed.
The feeling this morning seems to be that if protestors really want to do damage, then they will, and there is little that can be done to stop them.
So then now what? Where was the National Guard last night and why did there appear to be little attempt last night to put out any of the burning fires? Officials have already said they believe last night will be the worst of the protests in Ferguson. Do you agree or do you think they will have another battle on their hands again tonight?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
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