ABC News Gets Exclusive First Interview with Ferguson's Darren Wilson

Less than 24 hours after learning that there would be no indictment in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, we were all handed embattled Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson's first interview. While it was confirmed that Wilson had met with several journalists last week, he ultimately decided to speak on the record with ABC News heavyweight George Stephanopoulos, according to Yahoo! News.

It was the first time Wilson has been seen in public in months, and he told his side of what happened during that violent altercation with Brown Aug. 9. According to Time magazine, Wilson claims that he feels like his conscience is cleared because he was doing his job by the book, and if he did not stop Brown, then he knew he would have been killed by him. He also made it clear that from his standpoint race was irrelevant and it would have ended the same way even if Brown had been white.

While Wilson has his supporters, and they were glad to hear him finally speak up, this case has become about civil rights and the way our justice system works. The unrest and protests are not just limited to Ferguson, Missouri, either. Major cities such as New York, Boston, Atlanta and Los Angeles all had large protests last night to show support and solidarity with Brown's grieving family.

If you have not already seen Wilson's interview, then check out the clip below and tell us your thoughts. Do you think he is credible and that the grand jury, according to AOL, got it right since the physical evidence lined up with his account? Do you think that charges of civil rights violations will be brought against Wilson by Brown's family?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

ABC News, Darren Wilson, Ferguson, Michael Brown, Grand jury, Unrest, Riot, Protests, Interview, Shooting
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