Bravo Wants Cast to Sign Legally Binding Document to Avoid Violence at 'RHOA' Reunion

Fans of The Real Housewives of Atlanta most definitely remember the last reunion show, especially for that moment when Porsha Williams got out of her chair and physically attacked Kenya Moore. Suddenly the Bravo staple went from a reality show to feeling like an old episode of Jerry Springer and you better believe that the execs are going to do everything in their power to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Now that we're creeping up on the taping of another reunion show, Bravo is taking extra measures to make sure that the cast of RHOA remains seated at all times. According to a report by Radar Online, ground rules have been laid out.

"The cast members will be required to sit in their assigned seats, and not allowed to get up until there is a break, or unless given permission. Any deviation will result in immediately being removed from the filming, no questions asked. Bravo wants the ladies to sign a legally binding document that they won't engage in any physical fighting. However, several cast members are refusing to sign it because fighting back as self defense isn't included in the language," says the source.

Williams especially has become more of a wild card, always on edge and now she has two arrests under her belt since the last reunion show taping. Do you think that she will even sign off on the legally binding contract to appear on the show? Since Moore is the one that got decked last year, it's likely that she's hesitant to sign anything that won't allow her to protect herself. Is Bravo going to be able to get these ladies to agree to terms at all? Do you think that the network will cancel the show before they'll take a risk of things going as badly as the last time around? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Bravo, RHOA, Reunion, Porsha Williams, Kenya Moore, NeNe Leakes, Cynthia Bailey, Phaedra Parks
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