Morrissey Praises Bull That Injured a Matador in Mexico City Recently, Condemns Event

Morrissey included a tune on his latest release World Peace is None of Your Business titled "The Bullfighter Dies" to let people know (if they didn't already) whose side of that battle he's on. According to NME, the former Smiths frontman took to his fan site to comment on a recent incident that occurred in Mexico City. A matador was gored by a bull during a bullfight, and Moz was stoked about it.

"Make no mistake: there is no such thing as bullfighting," he wrote. "For the torment and slaughter of each bull there is an avowed plan and a strict script, so therefore there is no possibility of a contest of any kind. Yet there is the illusion of contest and action even if the order of events is very efficient — so efficient, in fact, that whenever the bull 'wins' it is reported that the event has 'gone wrong.'"

The injured matador did a radio interview after the incident, saying that she was upset that she didn't get to hurt the animal.

"Driven by perverted impulse, Karla de los Angeles wants to kill another being that has actually posed no threat to her, and her radio comment following this week's failed attempt to out-wit a dying bull had de los Angeles confessing: 'I am sad because I could not cut off the bull's ear.' Well, Karla, please understand this: we are sad that the bull did not come away with YOUR ear," he added.

Moz is an outspoken vegetarian who doesn't even allow meat to be served at his concerts. In September, the singer made T-shirts that read, "Be Kind to Animals or I'll Kill You."

World Peace is None of Your Business was dropped in July, but it was pulled from retailers after a feud between Moz and his record label.

Morrissey, The Smiths
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