Jack White, Black Keys Feud: Patrick Carney Claims Dead Weather Leader Tried to Fight

The feud between The Black Keys and Jack White continues. The two have a long-running feud, which escalated last year when an email from the Dead Weather musician leaked where he claimed that the Akron, Ohio, rockers ripped off his sound. Despite seemingly settling their bad blood, last night at a bar in New York City, things apparently got heated between White and Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney. In a series of tweets, Carney claims that White tried to fight him.

Carney opened up about his experiences with the 40-year-old TIDAL co-owner in a series of tweets, saying that he has never met White before but that non-acquaintance ended when White confronted him at a bar.

Carney went on to explain that he wasn't sure why White felt the need to confront or "fight" him, saying that they can both co-exist as rockers in this world. He also called White a "bully," saying that people like him are the reason he retreated to a basement to play drums in the first place.

Carney also couldn't finish his string of tweets without getting in a few clever digs at White...

For his part, White denied trying to "fight" Carney, though he does admit that the two finally met on Sept. 13. In a statement to Pitchfork, White said that he attempted to ask Carney a question and then he ran away.

"Nobody tried to fight you, Patrick," he said. "Nobody touched you or 'bullied' you. You were asked a question you couldn't answer so you walked away. So quit whining to the Internet and speak face to face like a human being. End of story."

The Black Keys, Jack White, Patrick Carney
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