'American Horror Story' Sarah Paulson Talks Body Image Issues & Why She Hates Wearing Pants

Trying to live up to Hollywood's standard of beauty can be difficult and oftentimes impossible. Although being skinny has always been ideal, many female celebrities are generating praise for embracing the bodies they were born with, curves and all. American Horror Story star Sarah Paulson might play characters with invincible mindsets on the horror TV series, but in reality she struggles with insecurities like everyone else. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Paulson opened up about her body image issues and why she hates wearing pants.

Nine times out of 10, if you see the 40-year-old actress on the red carpet, you're bound to catch her in a dress or skirt. While one might assume she has a love for these certain styles, Paulson admitted she's just not a fan of pants or the way her butt looks in them.

Calling it "ass-phobia," Paulson revealed she's very self-conscious about the way her butt looks in pants and jeans, because her body doesn't fit into the stereotypical bubble of beauty. This is a common fear many women battle with today. Instead of running away from her problem, Paulson decided to collaborate with a new stylist named Karla Welch, who pushes her to step outside of her comfort zone and wear pants.

"There is this normal 'Hollywood girl, Barbie doll look' of which I do not fit," Paulson told THR during the Gala in the Garden fundraiser on Oct. 10. "I have really wonderful people in my life who say, 'You need to do this and stop talking to yourself in that way.'"'

Paulson isn't one to just wish her body was a certain way, she's willing to work for it. Along with alternating her fashion regime, Paulson added exercise and healthy eating habits to her routine to help achieve her body goals.

When it comes to being fit in Hollywood, the actress wishes more celebrities would be honest about the hard work they put in to maintain their figures instead of acting like they woke up with a chiseled six pack and a peach-shaped behind.

"Sometimes you have to really work at it, and I'm working at it. I wish I had someone who said, 'I'm working at this and I'm doing leg lifts and pushing my ass into the air because I want to feel strong and toned.' I don't need it to be small, I just want it to be fit," she explained.

Despite her insecurities about her body and the pressure to remain thin in front of the camera, Paulson isn't interested in being skinny. Coming from a family of full-figured women, the New York native is looking to find a balance in her appearance, mixing a healthy body with her own perception of what beauty looks like on a woman.

"I come from a generation of people who are not tall bean poles. I come from women who are Southern women - women who are full breasted and full assed. Really just women. In Hollywood, that's not really been allowed," the actress said. "So I try to straddle what is healthy for me and what my body wants to look like but also being strong and fit."

American Horror Story
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