Joel Zimmerman Considers Killing Off Deadmau5 and Starting a New Project in Twitter Rant

In a series of tweets posted Wednesday morming (Dec. 16), Joel Zimmerman, known to the world as Deadmau5, went on a mini-rant and spoke about "killing off" Deadmau5 (himself) and starting something new.

"Meh. considering killing off the 'deadmau5' bullsh*t and just starting something new. did it before, can do it again. f*ck it. why not," he wrote.

Over the past few months, Zimmerman has been in the news at the height of controversy, and most recently, for the video he posted on Deadmau5 TV explaining the reasoning behind his (prior) Twitter rants, his opinions on Justin Bieber and his most recent album and collaborations with Skrilex.

"It's not that I have a problem with dubstep, or Skrillex, or those guys that do things. It's- I have a problem that they enable themselves, and they put themselves in these positions to be a part of bullsh*t. Who aspires to be a part of bullsh*t? It f*cking blows my mind...That's just my opinion man, and that's why I personally get upset about it, I'm not saying that's why everyone should get upset about it, that's just me..." he said, according to YourEDM.

Deadmau5 furthered his comments with, "That's the thing I hate about Twitter; you have to condense that whole 20-minute speech I probably just gave you and you got to type it out in 140 characters and what it actually ends up translated as is, "this sucks, you suck." Then you're like 'well f*ck man, I wish I could elaborate on that without looking like a f*cking crybaby over a f*cking series of a billion f*cking tweets..."

Amidst his Twitter rants and recent Facebook video, it seems as though Deadmau5 is tired of being in the spotlight for the wrong reasons and wants a change - and a major change at that. In his final tweet Deadmau5 stated, "ehhh... I'm not thinking of 'rebranding' that sh*t NEVER works. I'm talking about disappearing alltogether."

Deadmau5 uploaded a new piece of work to his Soundcloud today, potentially signifying the direction his "new" project is headed after he "disappears althogether."

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