Kanye West, Drake Diss Kid Cudi Onstage Following Twitter Tirade

This past Wednesday afternoon, Kid Cudi released a string of impassioned tweets against Kanye West and Drake, who wasted no time responding during their live concerts.

“Kid Cudi, don’t ever mention ‘Ye name,” West said to the crowd on Wednesday night. “I birthed you. We all dealing with that emo sh*t all the time - me, Pat, Don C. Don’t ever mention ‘Ye name. Don’t try to say who I can do songs with. You mad ‘cause I’m doing songs with Drake? Ain’t nobody telling ‘Ye who to do songs with! Respect the God!”

West further expressed how “disrespected” and “hurt” the tweets from Cudi had made him feel, as West was a mentor of sorts to him. He also noted how many people would have wanted the opportunity that he gave Cudi. The rapper brought Cudi on to his G.O.O.D. Music label in 2008 and took an interest in him after hearing his first full-length work, A Kid Named Cudi mixtape. Cudi removed himself from the label five years later in 2013.

Billboard reports that Kudi had written on Twitter earlier that day, “I’ve been loyal to those who haven’t been to me and that ends now. Now I’m your threat.”

Cudi is currently preparing to release his sixth full-length effort, Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin.’ He has released several tracks in the past few months including “The Frequency,” “All In” and “Goodbye.”

Drake also responded to Cudi, addressing the rumors that said he had employed “30 ghostwriters” for his hit songs according to Hip-Hop DX. Onstage Drake said, “Boy, you getting way too high, you need to Cud-it.”

Watch footage of West and Drake’s onstage rants below:

 #drake responds to #kidcudi "boy u getting way too high .. U need to CUDD IT"

A video posted by DJ Akademiks (@akademikstv) on Sep 14, 2016 at 10:56pm PDT

Kanye West, Drake, Kid Cudi
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