Gucci Mane Jail Sentence Set for 39 Months: 'Traphouse 3' Rapper Pleads Guilty to Weapons Charges

Gucci Mane has been sent to jail for over three years. Today (Aug. 20), the "Traphouse 3" rapper was sentenced to 39 months in an Atlanta court for a firearms charge.

Mane (a.k.a. Radric Davis) will be sent to a federal prison in relation to an incident in September 2013, according to The Atlanta Journal Constitution. On Sept. 14, Davis was arrested after police were tipped off about his weapon possession. After wandering the streets of Atlanta, he was caught with a "small amount" of marijuana and a 45-caliber handgun with eight rounds of ammunition.

Though Davis could have been sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison and $250,000 in fines since he is a felon, he has instead been recommended for three years and three months in prison and another three years of probation. The judge has also requested that he be sent to an institution on the West Coast with a drug rehabilition program, so as to separate him from bad influences in Atlanta.

His amount of time served, now at 11 months, will count toward his total incarceration.

He will officially be sentenced in July 2015. Until then, he will remain in jail.

The weapons charge and Davis' most recent jailtime is just the recent incident in legal issues for the rapper. In the past, he's been arrested for cocaine possession, assault, battery and several parole and probation violations.

Gucci Mane
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