• Bobby Brown and Pat Houston Now Co-Guardians of Bobbi Kristina Brown

    Nearly four months after being found unresponsive in her bath tub, Bobbi Kristina Brown remains unconscious in an Atlanta facility with precious little hope for recovery. Up until this week, her father, Bobby Brown was in complete control of her care and was making all of the necessary literal life-and-death decisions. Now things are changing as the family seems to be settling in for a lengthy waiting game and Brown's aunt, Pat Houston has been named as her Co-Guardian.
  • Bobby Brown Acknowledges 'Rough Times' While Making Soul Food Festival Appearance

    After spending about 10 weeks at the bedside of his comatose daughter, Bobby Brown finally went back to work this past weekend. We already told you about his quick karaoke stop with friends Friday, April 10, and then Saturday night, April 11, he performed at the Soul Food Festival in Los Angeles. While Bobbi Kristina Brown might have been resting comfortably back in Atlanta, she certainly was not far from her father's thoughts, noting the "rough times" he has recently been through.
  • Bobbi Kristina's Boyfriend Nick Gordon Is Doing Well in Rehab as Criminal Investigation Continues

    Bobbi Kristina Brown being found face down in a bath tub back in January has served as a catalyst for several other situations. Nick Gordon, her boyfriend of several years is currently under investigation as police still try to piece together exactly what happened to Brown. We know that the family banned him from visiting her and that led to Gordon publicly unraveling. He sat for an interview with Dr. Phil last month that was actually an intervention. Gordon has spent the last four weeks in rehab while Brown's condition has remained unchanged.
  • Bobbi Kristina's Family Is Cashing In on Crisis, Asking for Thousands of Dollars, Perks

    It never fails. In the midst of nearly every tragedy you will almost always find someone trying to profit in one way or another. It has been 19 days since Bobbi Kristina Brown was found face down in her bathtub, and while many family members have been at her side praying for a miracle, some have not. Instead, we are hearing that several family members have tried cashing in on the crisis with the media, swapping information for luxury items, thousands of dollars and perks.
  • Bobbi Kristina Brown's Best Friend Died of a Heroin Overdose Several Months Ago

    Eighteen days after being found unresponsive in her bathtub, there is still no good news regarding Bobbi Kristina Brown. In fact, any new details that we seem to learn about her life with boyfriend Nick Gordon before her accident just seem to throw up more red flags. Brown has suffered an awful lot of loss in her 21 short years, including the death of her best friend Chelsea Bennett. The young woman died of a heroin overdose several months ago, and it is leading to some questions about Brown's own drug abuse.
  • Nick Gordon Banned From Home That He Shared With Bobbi Kristina Brown

    While Bobbi Kristina Brown's medical condition has not changed in the last 2 1/2 weeks, it seems her family is doing their best to make sure her boyfriend's life has been completely turned upside down. Not only has Nick Gordon been banned from visiting his longtime love, but he was recently told to make other living arrangements. Up until Jan. 31, when Brown was found floating in her bathtub, the two were sharing her home but he has now been banned from it.
  • Police Called to Bobbi Kristina's Home for Domestic Violence Issue the Week Before Her Accident

    Three years to the day of Whitney Houston being found dead in a bathtub, her 21-year-old daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown is fighting for her life after nearly drowning in a tub of water. While there are some eerie similarities between both situations, there are also some different circumstances that led up to them. We have slowly gotten more information over Brown's life with her boyfriend Nick Gordon, and not only is there a history of violence between them, but just a week before her accident police answered a domestic violence call to her home.
  • Police Investigating a Violent Altercation and Cover-Up Before Bobbi Kristina Was Found

    Last night may have been the biggest night of the year for the music industry, but Grammy celebrations were made a bit more somber due to the fact that Whitney Houston's only child, Bobbi Kristina Brown, remains hospitalized in a medically induced coma. In recent days, a criminal investigation has been launched to see if foul play was involved in her ultimately ending up unresponsive in the intensive care unit, mainly because of unexplained injuries on the 21-year-old's body. Her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, remains at the center of the investigation, and many close to the couple have said that their relationship often turned violent. Police are currently investigating whether or not there was a violent altercation and cover-up before Bobbi Kristina was found.
  • Nick Gordon Under Investigation in Connection with Injuries Found on Bobbi Kristina

    One week after being found face down in a bathtub full of water, Bobbi Kristina Brown is still hospitalized in a medically induced coma. How she actually ended up in the tub and the circumstances in the hours leading up to it are under close investigation with some surprising twists along the way. Could an act of violence led to Brown's current condition? That's exactly what many sources are beginning to say, as injuries found on the 21-year-old are raising many questions.
  • Doctors Believe Little Can Be Done to Save Bobbi Kristina

    Things are not looking good for Bobbi Kristina Brown. The 21-year-old has shown no signs of improvement after being found face down in her bathtub nearly a week ago. The family has held out hope while holding vigil at her bedside, but recovery at this point would take a miracle. Doctors have reportedly told them that they believe little can be done to save Brown's life because her brain activity is minimal.
  • Police Found Drugs in Bobbi Kristina's Home as All Decisions Lie in Nick Gordon's Hands Now

    Bobbi Kristina Brown is still fighting for her life this morning, days after being found face down in her bathtub, a near-drowning victim. She remains in a medically induced coma and, while there is reportedly minimal brain activity and her eyes have fluttered, her prognosis remains dicey. All decisions lie in Nick Gordon's hands now. Family members have also confirmed that police found drugs in Brown's townhouse after taking a closer look.