Kid Cudi Says Rap Isn't An 'Impressive Field To Be In Anymore' After A$AP Yams Calls 2014 The Genre's Worst Year

Kid Cudi recently took to Twitter to air out his feelings on the current state of rap. In the midst of his tweets, Cudi said rap isn't an "impressive field to be in anymore." He tweets come after A$AP Yams called 2014 the worst year in rap.

We've compiled Kid Cudi's tweets. Check out what he had to say after the jump.

Anyone and everyone can rap now. Its not an impressive field to be in anymore. Ima just learn more instruments and plot more symphonies. Of course there are guys that are impressive and found success making rap their own, but how many of those types of artist exist? Not many. So on the rare occasion I stumble across some new shit thats powerful and has meaning, I become impressed w that artist. Because they could dumb down their music, surely connect to a larger audience and make a shit ton of money, but thats not impressive. Big whoop u sell a shit ton of records, so have many artist before you. What else u got? What u got for mankind? For the human race?

Back in March, Cudi appeared on the Arsenio Hall Show and shared similar sentiments. During his interview, he noted that there are a few things he would like to see change.

"I think the braggadocio, money, cash, hoes, thing needs to be deaded," he said. "I feel like that's holding us back as a culture, as black people. It doesn't advance us in any way, shape or form. We been doing that same theme, it's been like what, four decades of the same old bulls--t. I feel like, if you are going to be an artist there comes a time when you have to embrace the responsibility and realize that the power of music is something so special and to be able to do it on this magnitude where you reach millions of people, it's like, why not use that for good?"

Last month, A$AP Yams also gave his opinion on the current state of rap during an interview with XXL, calling 2014 the genre's worst year.

"It wasn't any trends; musically it was a lot of dry-ass s--t," he said. "Everybody [who] was supposed to drop, dropped the ball. This is probably the worst year of rap music ever. Let's be honest. This is the worst year of rap music ever. It's just been allegiances and people hyping s--t up. Man, that s--t trash."

Do you agree with Kid Cudi and A$AP Yams? Have the dynamics of rap music changed? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Kid Cudi, A$AP Yams
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