Rick Ross Calls Lack of Indictment In Mike Brown Case A "Travesty," Other Hip-Hop Artists React Via Social Media [WATCH]

As the world questions the lack of an indictment of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson who shot and killed unarmed teen Mike Brown, rapper Rick Ross and many other members of the hip-hop community have come forward to express their disapproval in the justice system. During a recent interview, Ross called the move a "travesty" while other artists took to social media to share their reactions.

During an interview with Hip Hop My Way, Ross offered his condolences to the family of Brown and then shared his thoughts on the grand jury not indicting Wilson.

"When it comes to my mind, first and foremost, I wanna send my condolences to the Brown family," he said. "I just feel like it's been open season on young, black males for a long time. And how long you think this is gonna go on before something like this happen? Or worse. A teenager, unarmed, shot six times. No indictment. It's a travesty."

Macklemore took to Twitter to speak out writing, "The system that instills & protects white supremacy wins again. Humanity loses...No justice. I pray for Mike Brown & his family. So sad."

"My heart goes out to the family of #MikeBrown, the people of #Ferguson and #america as a whole..." Will.I.Am wrote in a series of tweets following the grand jury's announcement.

Kendrick Lamar referenced his single "i" in a post on Twitter.

"Didn't we say LOVE yourself? They don't LOVE u. The world don't LOVE u. Worldly things don't LOVE u. The master will serve justice," he says.

On Tuesday, it was announced that a grand jury decided not to indict Officer Wilson in the August shooting death of Brown. Since the announcement, large protest have been sparked across the country with citizens pushing for justice for the 18-year-old.

Rick Ross, Mike Brown, Indictment, Ferguson, Darren Wilson
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