Morrissey Declines Autograph Because 'He Has Ebola': Singer Working on New Album in Los Angeles?

Morrissey busted out some of his signature, strange antics recently at Los Angeles International Airport. A fan claimed that Moz declined signing an autograph because "he has Ebola." The former Smiths frontman typically is not one for fan interaction, so while the behavior comes as no surprise, the choice of excuse is pretty interesting. At least it is timely -- and there is speculation that he is working on a new album in L.A.

Here is what the fan had to say on

I met morrissey tonight but unfortunately his bodyguard would not allow me to take a picture and when I asked morrissey for his autograph he told me he couldn't because he has ebola.... typical morrissey answer... still exciting though.

A few other fans said that Moz was in L.A., but no one really knows why. Some speculated, as Stereogum notes, that the singer was in town to record some new tunes.

With this most recent headline, Morrissey keeps the tradition alive of staying in the news for the weirdest reasons. Earlier this month the singer praised a bull that gored a matador and ultimately condemned the event. He canceled and rescheduled some European tour dates in December, which is normal behavior. He also tastelessly dissed Robin Williams in August after the comedian committed suicide, saying that his death took attention away from Lauren Bacall's passing.

"So beautiful, so cautious ... and so sad that her death was overshadowed by that of Robin Williams. It was Lauren, not Robin, who changed motion picture history. Yet modern media has an odd way of forgetting the more senior servers of the arts," he wrote.

Morrissey might want to consider finding a label before he starts recording a new album. World Peace Is None of Your Business was not available long before Harvest Records took it off the shelves. The label then dropped Moz, who has yet to sign with another company.

Morrissey, The Smiths, Ebola
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