• 5 Musicians Who Pointlessly Went Solo

    There are plenty of good reasons for an artist to release a solo album. Maybe their band broke up, or maybe they want to write some songs in a different style. However, sometimes musicians go ahead and release solo music that could have been easily been released with their band. Here are five musicians who didn't need to go solo.
  • Six Classic Albums from the ‘80s That Don’t Sound ‘80s: Slayer, Nirvana, and more

    Though each musical era has its own peculiar trends, no decade can compete with the ‘80s when it comes to bizarre, distinctive record production. Anyone can identify a ‘80s song immediately: chorus on the guitars, reverb on the drums, cheesy synths, and a cold atmosphere. Virtually every album released during the decade succumbed to this style, with these notable exceptions…
  • 7 Musicians with Tax Problems: R. Kelly, Robin Thicke, and more

    Happy tax day! If you feel stressed out and miserable that you waited until the last minute to do your taxes (if that's the case, stop reading this and get back to your taxes), don't feel so bad; even the rich and famous are awful at paying the IRS. Here are seven musicians that have run into trouble with Uncle Sam.
  • Seven great movie scores by rock musicians: Neil Young, Peter Gabriel, and more

    Since Hollywood always seems desperate to get people to go to the movies, it’s strange that they wouldn’t hire popular musicians to score their films more often, as that could draw in a completely different group of people that otherwise wouldn’t care about a particular film. I’m sure there are plenty of Nine Inch Nails fans who are anticipating David Fincher’s Gone Girl simply because Trent Reznor co-wrote the score. Here are seven other rock (and alternative) musicians who wrote excellent film scores.
  • 8 Pairs of Songs with the Same Title: Which is Better?

    While musicians can be sued if they plagiarize lyrics or melodies, song titles are pretty much fair game, resulting in a ton of songs with the same name. I’ve decided to stack up some of the best songs that share titles and see which is better. These might seem like arbitrary comparisons based on a coincidence, but so are “Best of the Year” lists, and those are cool.
  • 6 Classic Albums That Deserve Documentaries: Weezer, the Strokes and more

    Some of my favorite types of films to watch are music documentaries, and with the premiere of Time is Illmatic, a film about the classic Nas LP Illmatic (in my opinion, the greatest rap album ever made), I started thinking about what other incredible albums deserve to have their stories told. Here are six classic album documentaries I’d like to see.
  • Morrissey's 10 Most Ridiculous Song Titles

    When Morrissey revealed the track listing for his new album World Peace is None of Your Business, pretty much everyone who reported it commented on how hilarious, caustic, and “Morrissey-esque” the song titles were. Songs like “Neal Cassady Drops Dead” and “Kick the Bride Down the Aisle” are just two in Morrissey’s long history of weird, hilarious song titles. Here are the 10 funniest and most ridiculous song titles from Morrissey’s solo career.
  • 7 Gateway Artists Into Hip-Hop: Beck, Flying Lotus, and more

    If you ask someone what kind of music they listen to, fifty percent of the time their answer will be “everything, except country and rap”. While I’ve written about country songs that would appeal to country-haters, hip-hop is much trickier and more misunderstood. If you’re thinking of getting into hip-hop, here are seven artists that would be excellent entry points.
  • Who Should Be Stephen Colbert's Bandleader?

    We can all stop speculating: today it was officially announced that Stephen Colbert will be taking over for David Letterman when he retires from The Late Show next year. Now we can begin speculating about something else: who will be Colbert’s bandleader? Based on all of the great musical guests he’s had on The Colbert Report, he’d probably make an excellent choice. Here are five musicians who would be interesting bandleaders on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
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