• Seven Great Albums Recorded by One Person: Prince, Paul McCartney, and more

    Typically, when an artist puts out a “solo” album, they usually just sing and play one instrument (if that) while every other part is filled out by their band members or session musicians. While there’s nothing wrong with making an album that way, there are other artists who insist on controlling every aspect of their albums, even if it means playing each and every instrument on their own. Here are seven great albums that were created almost entirely by a single person.
  • Seven Hilarious Movie Cameos by Musicians: David Bowie, The Wu-Tang Clan, and more

    A well-placed cameo appearance in a film can be a lot of fun, but there’s nothing really surprising about seeing an actor appear as themselves, since you’ve already seen them in movies a hundred times. The most interesting cameos are by musicians, since they’re usually unexpected, and sometimes these cameos become highlights of the film. Here are seven films with hilarious cameo appearances from musicians.
  • Seven Awesome Artists Who Are Ruined by Their Fans: Bob Marley, Oasis, and more

    We all know at least one person who is so incredibly irritating that you refuse to listen to anything they say. If there's this one band they keep suggesting to you, you simply refuse to look into them, out of fear that you'll actually enjoy them and become irritating, too. Here are seven artists whose fans make me embarrassed to be a fan.
  • Seven Cool Emo Bands with Terrible Names

    When I was originally putting together bands for this article, the topic was simply "Great Bands with Terrible Names," but I soon realized that a great number of the bands I had chosen were emo bands. It must be an unfortunate side effect of playing music in a genre that itself has a terrible name. Here are seven excellent emo bands that should've thought a little longer about the names they chose.
  • 4 Decades of Country - ACM Winners From the Past

    In 1965, the first Academy of Country Music Awards were handed out for the best music of 1964. As we head into the 49th annual awards weekend, let's take a trip down memory lane to see who the past winners were 10, 20, 30 and 40 years ago in selected categories.
  • 8 Classic Albums That Sound Awful: The Stooges, Bruce Springsteen, and more

    If you take a look at a list of the greatest albums of all time, you'll find albums by the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Radiohead; huge bands that recorded with expensive equipment and talented producers. Any true indie fan will tell you, though, that you don't need top notch production to create a top-notch album. Here are eight albums that are classics despite their less-than-stellar production.
  • EXCLUSIVE: Incan Abraham Talks West Coast Stereotypes, Peruvian Soda and Debut Album, 'Tolerance'

    It's no longer freezing in New York after months of snow and gloomy weather. Could the members of Incan Abraham have brought some Los Angeles warmth with them? As they sit on a bench outside of The Brooklyn Bowl, they speak of their upcoming album, Tolerance, as a "tombstone" of sorts. It's the band's debut LP, but they describe it as quite literally a record of the years they've worked leading up to this point.
  • 5 Best Canadian Albums of the 21st Century

    Since the turn of the century, Canada has produced a lot of excellent artists: Arcade Fire, Feist, Grimes, and a ton more. Narrowing down a list of just five great albums from our northern neighbors was tough, but I think you'll agree with these choices.
  • 8 Artists Who Would Make For Interesting Musicals: Springsteen, Bowie, and more

    Even though a musical based on his songs is probably the last thing he ever wanted, the music of Kurt Cobain is coming to Broadway, apparently. Nirvana's music is excellent, but if I were in charge of selecting a catalog of songs to adapt into a musical, Nirvana would be towards the bottom of my list. Here's who would be at the top:
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