• 9 Excellent Songs with Wordless Hooks: Kanye West, The Smiths, and more

    As someone who writes songs in his spare time, I completely understand how difficult it is sometimes to come up with lyrics to a song that's otherwise totally finished. It can be very tempting to just fill up the melody with a bunch of nonsense and call it a day. Here are 10 songs where the songwriters did just that and got away with it.
  • A Brief History of The Flaming Lips' Weirdness

    The Flaming Lips' recording of a companion album to Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon may seem like a strange idea, but should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the Oklahoma band's tendencies. This is just the latest in a long string of unusual activity for the band. Here's a brief history of the strangest things the Flaming Lips have done.
  • 7 Artists Who Rarely Perform(ed) Live: Steely Dan, The Beatles, Brian Eno and more

    When Kate Bush recently announced new concert dates, a certain section of the Internet freaked out. This reaction wasn't simply due to the fact that she's one of the world's most celebrated living musicians, but rather because Kate Bush has somehow managed to not tour since 1979. She's not the only world famous artist who has an unusual relationship with the stage, however...
  • 8 Albums that go against the theory of the sophomore slump: Radiohead, Nirvana, Neutral Milk Hotel and more

    The theory of the "sophomore slump" is that an artist has their whole lives to create their first album, but then suffers creatively when they have only a short time to create their second. Andrew W.K., The Stone Roses, Television, Interpol, and Best Coast are all examples of artists who have fallen into this trap, but it's not as widespread as music historians may lead you to believe. There are a huge number of bands whose second albums either made up for the false start of their debuts, or rode their debut's success to even greater artistic heights.
  • The 5 Songs Keith Urban's Fans Love the Most

    Keith Urban stays pretty active on his Facebook, engaging with his fans and keeping them updated. He also likes hearing from them, finding out what their thoughts are on his music. Recently, he asked fans which one of his songs meant the most to them. These were some of the most cherished songs with the stories behind why ...
  • 10 Life Lessons From Lecrae

    Lecrae is an award-winning rapper, but he's also so much more. The man behind "Church Clothes" doesn't just challenge the church, he challenges himself and his fans to live a fuller life for God.
  • Flashback to Christian Artist's First Tweets

    Twitter was born on March 21, 2006 but it was two before many Christian artists starting jumping on board. As a salute the the service's recent birthday, let's check out what the first tweets were from some of your favorite Christian artists.
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