• Seven Singers Who Should Be Replacing Kurt Cobain: PJ Harvey, Lemmy, and more

    At tonight's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, the surviving members of Nirvana will be performing with Joan Jett on lead vocals. Jett will probably do a fine job, but I doubt that she was their first choice to replace Kurt Cobain for the night. Here are seven singers who should have at least been considered to sing for Nirvana at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony.
  • Seven Songs That Sound Totally Different Live: Lou Reed, Springsteen, and more

    Unless you have the misfortune of seeing an artist lip-synch along to a backing track, the live version of a song is always going to sound at least a little bit different from the version you’re used to hearing. While most artists try their best to recreate the studio version, others view live performance as an opportunity to re-imagine (or correct) the song’s studio version. Here are seven songs that sound very different when performed in concert.
  • 5 Reasons Why It's Okay to Date Someone with a Different Taste in Music

    Let's say you've met a someone, and he or she has pretty much everything you're looking for in a relationship; they're cute, they're funny, they love Lord of the Rings, everything about this person is spot-on. But then you discover something unsettling about them: this person doesn't listen to the Stooges. In fact, this person has somehow never even heard of them. Maybe they're not as cool as you thought they were. How could you possibly date somebody who doesn't listen to punk? Fortunately, having a different taste in music isn't as much of a deal-breaker as you may think. Here are some reasons why you shouldn't worry about it so much.
  • Seven Classic Albums With Anti-Climactic Closers: Neil Young, Michael Jackson, and more

    A properly sequenced album should feel like a movie; the beginning grabs your attention, the action rises, and the finale explodes. Many album closers commit to this arc (“A Day in the Life” from Sgt. Pepper’s is an excellent example) but some albums leave us hanging at the end, even the great ones. Here are seven classic albums with anti-climactic endings.
  • 7 Achingly Beautiful Songs By Metal Bands: Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and more

    Heavy metal is a lot of things to a lot of people: brutal, exhilarating, cathartic, but "beautiful" isn't really one of the first words to come to mind when describing a metal song. This doesn't mean that metal bands are incapable of writing beautiful songs, though. Here are seven incredibly beautiful songs written by metal bands.
  • 6 Pairs of Rival Artists That Would Make Great Music Together: Robert Smith & Morrissey, The Flaming Lips & Arcade Fire and more

    When Blur’s Damon Albarn revealed that he and Oasis’s Noel Gallagher had been talking about possibly recording together, we here at Music Times didn’t quite believe it was true. The two are notorious rivals, so working with one another seems like the last thing either one of them would want to do. This got me thinking about other artists who would never collaborate, but would probably make great work together if they did.
  • Nine Artists Who Re-Recorded Their Own Songs: Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, and more

    Musicians love doing their own interpretations of songs written by other people, but sometimes they make the unusual choice of recording new versions of their own songs. Sometimes this is done to improve on the original, but other times they simply want to take one of their old songs and try it in a different style. Here are nine artists who did just that.
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2014 Inductees: The Debates Behind the Scenes

    For something that doesn't really matter all that much, there are a whole lot of politics and outrage that go along with the inductees each year into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Every year, someone's favorite band gets snubbed, and someone's least favorite band somehow gets in, and everyone's feelings get hurt. Here's how I imagined the conversations went between the voters this year when they were decided which artists to induct.
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