We have heard right from the start that Amal Clooney was totally different from any of the other cookie-cutter women whom George Clooney was usually linked to. Most of his relationships over the last two decades seemed to have an 18-month expiration date, and while the ladies may have been hot, they brought little else to the table. Amal, to put it simply, does not need him. She has a career, money in the bank and an established circle of friends that existed before she met George. That means she is less inclined to put up with anything his previous women might have.Let's face it: As long as George was paying for luxurious trips, all of those other women probably did not complain about much of anything. Amal, on the other hand, is different. She knew George likes to have the guys around a lot, but she is reportedly beginning to get a little tired of always entertaining his motley Hollywood crew. According to a few sources, Amal prefers to align herself with fellow lawyers, scientists and doctors, so having to sit through too many evenings with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill is not her idea of fun. -
CNN Insiders Ticked That 'New Day' Co-Anchor Kate Bolduan Was Replaced Permanently While on Maternity Leave
Jeff Zucker, CNN's head honcho, has ruffled some feathers over at the cable news network not only for replacing a familiar morning face, but by doing it in a shady way. "New Day's" Kate Bolduan has been on maternity leave since September, and not only has she been moved from that prime co-anchoring spot, but Zucker did it on a day when it would be buried beneath the real drama unfolding in Paris.According to a report by the "New York Post," Bolduan will be permanently replaced by Alisyn Camerota, who has been filling in for her during her maternity leave. Apparently, Zucker feels that Camerota is a better fit beside fellow co-anchors Chris Cuomo and Michaela Pereira. Bolduan has not been completely fired from CNN, though, as she will now co-host "@This Hour" at 11 a.m., but that is hardly the gig Bolduan was expecting to return to.CNN insiders are said to be ticked off at the way Zucker has handled things. Replacing an anchor in a key time slot is generally considered news, so the fact that it came out literally in the middle of the hostage situations that were unfolding in Paris is no coincidence. Instead, it is considered a shady move intended to hide the fact that Bolduan was cut from the morning news show while on leave and tending to her new daughter. -
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Had a Civil Service in the States Long Before Their French Wedding
Is it really surprising to learn that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were actually legally married long before they formally swapped vows last August in France? The actress recently decided to come clean and admit that she and Pitt called a justice of the peace and signed on the dotted lines to make their 10-year union a legally binding situation before they even considered planning a French celebration.According to a source at "Us Weekly," as far back as last March Jolie was telling one of its reporters that she was already married and now it sounds like she may have been telling the truth even then. None of this is really surprising because, according to French law, in order to marry legally in that country you need to be a permanent, full-time resident of whatever part of the country you are choosing to marry in. While Jolie and Pitt have fabulous property in France, their main home is in the U.S., so they needed to be legally married here first in order to even have a French wedding.What is interesting is how for years Jolie really downplayed the importance of another marriage and, when it came time to go ahead and marry Pitt, she made it sound like she was doing it for the kids. But if they really were married for months before their August ceremony, then maybe it really was more important to Jolie and Pitt than they originally let on. It is interesting because this is one of those A-list couples that proves that if a celebrity really wants to keep things private, they can. There are always ways to get around the paparazzi in order to have normal life events — even for people like Jolie and Pitt! -
Kim Kardashian Claims That She 'Bought' Her Sister Kourtney a Career
Kim and Kourtney Kardashian do not always get along. Anyone who has tuned in to an episode of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" has likely seen them clash, mainly because, at root, the sisters are two different people. Kim is all about fame and looking the part while Kourtney is more an earth mother who she tends to back away from fame in favor of her kids. The trailer for the new season of the reality show dropped, and in it Kim is being more disrespectful than ever to her big sister.During one exchange caught on camera, Kim claims she is not buying Kourtney shoes because "I bought her a f--king career!"Leave it to Kim to think her sister's success is because of her help, right? If you think back to when we first started to pay attention to this family seven to eight years ago, it was Kourtney who was entrenched in running their Dash stores. While Kim has just wanted to look good, Kourtney has always actually worked in order to succeed, so for her to try and say she bought her sister's career is ridiculous.There is probably a lot more going on between these two than they actually allow the cameras to see. We recently learned that Kim was struggling to get pregnant with baby No. 2 and she was resenting the fact that her sister just had a third child with her loser baby daddy Scott Disick.Plus, Kourtney does not respect her sister's parenting style. She has insinuated about how ridiculous it is to take a 9-month-old baby to fashion week shows and use North West like an accessory to her outfits whenever she parades her around. -
Bravo Brings Back 'Manzo'd With Children' Adding Fuel to the Notion That 'RHONJ' is Finished
After leaving "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" a while back, Caroline Manzo was offered her own Bravo spin off show, "Manzo'd With Children," which actually did pretty well with the ratings. Well enough for the powers-that-be to decide to bring it back for a second season. For a while Manzo's name was being mentioned as a possible way of trying to save RHONJ. Bringing her back while Teresa Giudice spends the next year in the clink sounded like a possibility but focus groups just aren't having it. -
Jennifer Aniston Ready to Take on More 'Dark' Roles After Success of 'Cake'
Will tomorrow night be a real turning point for Jennifer Aniston? The actress is up for a Golden Globe Award as outstanding lead actress for her role in the dark indie flick, "Cake" and she seems to have a pretty decent shot of walking away with it. This seems to have been a year of real growth for Aniston in a multitude of ways. She has handled the press differently, tackling topics dead on, rather than hiding from them and she has talked about personal growth. It's that growth that ultimately allowed her to take the role of a chronic pain sufferer in "Cake" and the rewards already, have been great. -
St. Louis Rams To Los Angeles? Missouri NFL Stadium Planners Hit Back With Stunning Riverfront Proposal
Earlier this week, St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke announced that was and an investment group will be privately financing an 80,000-seat stadium... in Los Angeles. Obviously, the news was worrysome to those intent on keeping the Rams in Missouri. -
NYPD Unhappy With Commissioner Bill Bratton for His Support of Mayor Bill de Blasio
NYC Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has one of the hardest jobs in the world right now, trying to bridge the deep divide between the NYPD and Mayor Bill de Blasio's City Hall. Things were a little bit tense even before de Blasio seemed to show support for the hundreds of protestors walking through various parts of the city in support of Ferguson and Eric Garner. The fact that he allowed it, making the NYPD's job even harder didn't sit well with the department and then when two Brooklyn officers were assassinated in retaliation, well it turned uglier yet. Bratton has tried to bring both sides together but now it seems that his attempts are beginning to backfire. -
'RHONJ's' Teresa Giudice is Hoping to Work in Kitchen to Improve Prison Food
Just a few days in to her jail stint, Teresa Giudice has reportedly come to understand what many former inmates could have told her, the food at Danbury Federal Prison is lousy. The Real Housewives of New Jersey star is hoping to eventually get a job working in the kitchen so that she can help to improve the quality of the bland food that is being served. Obviously, the food isn't the only major lifestyle change that Giudice is adjusting to this week. -
Bill Cosby Joked About Rape Allegations While on Stage in Canada Last Night
Bill Cosby let everyone at his London, Ontario show on Thursday night know exactly how he feels about the sexual assault allegations by various women that have been stacking up against him for the last two months. In a brief exchange with a woman in the audience, the comedian made a joking reference to allegations that he has been drugging and assaulting women for decades. The audience was stunned at first and then began to applaud Cosby's candor. -
Two 'Charlie Hebdo' Gunmen Cornered, Prepared to '"Die as Martyrs"
After a few days of hunting, french police finally have 32-year-old Cherif Kouachi and 34-year-old Said Kouachi cornered in a printing company Northeast of Paris. The two men are believed to be responsible for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo's offices on Wednesday that left 12 people dead. The brother's are reportedly involved in a standoff with police and have taken at least one hostage. They also have no intention of surrendering, instead saying that they "want to die as martyrs". -
A 'KUWTK'' Producer May Have Already Confirmed Kim Kardashian's Second Pregnancy
Not even a month ago, we were hearing about how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West may have been struggling to conceive baby number two and already, if the rumors are true, their problem has been solved. The other night, Khloe Kardashian teased on social media that either she, Kim or Kendall Jenner is pregnant and posted a positive pregnancy test as photographic proof. Needless to say, she deleted it quickly, but we already know that the upcoming season of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" is partially about Kim wanting another baby.
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